David Haas

Refrain: All that I am sings of the God who brings new life to birth in me.
My spirit soars on the wings of my Lord.

1. My soul gives glory to the Lord, rejoicing in my saving God,
who looks upon me in my state, and all the world will call me blest;
For God works marvels in my sight, and holy, holy is God's name.

2. GodÕs mercy is from age to age, on those who follow in fear;
Whose arm is power and strength, and scatters all the proud of heart;
Who casts the mighty from their thrones and raises up the lowly ones!

3. God fills the starving with good things, the rich are left with empty hands;
Protecting all the faithful ones, remembering Israel with mercy,
the promise known to those before and to their children for ever!

Mirror lyrics:

the promise known to those before and to their children for ever!
Protecting all the faithful ones, remembering Israel with mercy,
3. God fills the starving with good things, the rich are left with empty hands;

Who casts the mighty from their thrones and raises up the lowly ones!
Whose arm is power and strength, and scatters all the proud of heart;
2. GodÕs mercy is from age to age, on those who follow in fear;

For God works marvels in my sight, and holy, holy is God's name.
who looks upon me in my state, and all the world will call me blest;
1. My soul gives glory to the Lord, rejoicing in my saving God,

My spirit soars on the wings of my Lord.
Refrain: All that I am sings of the God who brings new life to birth in me.

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