David Haas
Happy Are They

Refrain: Happy are they who hope in God.

1. Happy are they who do not seek to walk the way of those who sin,
but delight in the law of the Lord.
Happy, happy are they.

2. Like a tree planted near water, there it blooms, like our God,
whose leaves will not fade, but remain.
Happy, happy are they.

3. The wicked, the lawless, who, like the chaff; our God, like wind,
will drive away.
God will keep watch over the just. Happy, happy are they.

Mirror lyrics:

God will keep watch over the just. Happy, happy are they.
will drive away.
3. The wicked, the lawless, who, like the chaff; our God, like wind,

Happy, happy are they.
whose leaves will not fade, but remain.
2. Like a tree planted near water, there it blooms, like our God,

Happy, happy are they.
but delight in the law of the Lord.
1. Happy are they who do not seek to walk the way of those who sin,

Refrain: Happy are they who hope in God.

Relevant Tags:
HHappy AAre TThey appy re hey aHppy rAe hTey jappy zre fhey jHappy zAre fThey Hjappy Azre Tfhey uappy qre 5hey uHappy qAre 5They
Huappy Aqre T5hey nappy sre hhey nHappy sAre hThey Hnappy Asre Thhey bappy wre yhey bHappy wAre yThey Hbappy Awre Tyhey gappy xre 6hey
gHappy xAre 6They Hgappy Axre T6hey yappy Arre ghey yHappy Ae gThey Hyappy Aer Tghey Haappy Ade rhey Hppy Adre rThey Hpapy Arde Trhey
Hzppy A4e Hzappy A4re Tey Hazppy Ar4e Tehy Hqppy Age Tjey Hqappy Agre Tjhey Haqppy Arge Thjey Hsppy Ate Tuey Hsappy Atre Tuhey
Hasppy Arte Thuey Hwppy A5e Tney Hwappy A5re Tnhey Hawppy Ar5e Thney Hxppy Afe Tbey Hxappy Afre Tbhey Haxppy Arfe Thbey Happpy Aee Tgey
Hapy Aere Happy Aree Thgey Ha0py Tyey Ha0ppy Ar Hap0py Are Thyey

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