The Final Sunset

How far did it get you?
What good do you really think it did?
To take my life, and treat me as unwanted

Washed up by the tides
And thrown ruggedly upon shore
This isn't where I was me
This isn't where I should be

I will not stay here, it's not where I belong
I'm not so easily defeated, I will carry on
Falling and flailing backwards is the point where I seem to be
All this to have you back, is what I feel in me

Oh, I wish I cold show you
Just to make you understand
That there is nothing you could do
That would ever keep me from forgiving you

It's not about pride
The things you've kept hidden
But on that final sunset
I pray your sins will have been forgiven

I will not stay here, it's not where I belong
I'm not so easily defeated, I will carry on
Falling and flailing backwards is the point where I seem to be
All this to have you back, is what I feel in me

It's not about pride
The things you've kept hidden
But on that final sunset
I pray your sins will have been forgiven

I will not stay here, it's not where I belong
I'm not so easily defeated, I will carry on
Falling and flailing backwards is the point where I seem to be
All this to have you back, is what I feel in me

Mirror lyrics:

All this to have you back, is what I feel in me
Falling and flailing backwards is the point where I seem to be
I'm not so easily defeated, I will carry on
I will not stay here, it's not where I belong

I pray your sins will have been forgiven
But on that final sunset
The things you've kept hidden
It's not about pride

All this to have you back, is what I feel in me
Falling and flailing backwards is the point where I seem to be
I'm not so easily defeated, I will carry on
I will not stay here, it's not where I belong

I pray your sins will have been forgiven
But on that final sunset
The things you've kept hidden
It's not about pride

That would ever keep me from forgiving you
That there is nothing you could do
Just to make you understand
Oh, I wish I cold show you

All this to have you back, is what I feel in me
Falling and flailing backwards is the point where I seem to be
I'm not so easily defeated, I will carry on
I will not stay here, it's not where I belong

This isn't where I should be
This isn't where I was me
And thrown ruggedly upon shore
Washed up by the tides

To take my life, and treat me as unwanted
What good do you really think it did?
How far did it get you?

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFinal SSunset he inal unset hTe iFnal uSnset fhe cinal zunset fThe cFinal zSunset Tfhe Fcinal Szunset 5he rinal wunset
5The rFinal wSunset T5he Frinal Swunset hhe ginal dunset hThe gFinal dSunset Thhe Fginal Sdunset yhe tinal eunset yThe tFinal eSunset
Tyhe Ftinal Seunset 6he vinal xunset 6The vFinal xSunset T6he Fvinal Sxunset ghe dinal aunset gThe dFinal aSunset Tghe Fdinal Saunset
rhe Fiinal Suunset rThe Fnal Snset Trhe Fnial Snuset Fjnal Shnset Te Fjinal Shunset Teh Fijnal Suhnset Tje F9nal S7nset
Tjhe F9inal S7unset Thje Fi9nal Su7nset Tue Flnal Sknset Tuhe Flinal Skunset Thue Filnal Suknset Tne Fonal Sinset Tnhe Foinal Siunset
Thne Fional Suinset Tbe Fknal S8nset Tbhe Fkinal S8unset Thbe Fiknal Su8nset Tge F8nal Sjnset F8inal Sjunset Thge Fi8nal Sujnset
Tye Funal Synset Fuinal Syunset Thye Fiunal Suynset Thee Finnal Sunnset Th Fial Suset The Fianl Susnet Ths Fimal Sumset
Thse Fimnal Sumnset Thes Finmal Sunmset Th3 Fihal Suhset Th3e Fihnal The3 Finhal Sunhset Thf Fijal Sujset Thfe
Thef Finjal Sunjset Thr Fibal Subset Thre Fibnal Subnset Ther Finbal Sunbset Th4 Finaal Sunsset

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