Working In The Coal Mine

Well I been workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Well I been workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Five o?clock in the mornin?
I?m up before the sun
When my work day is over
I?m too tired for havin? fun

I been workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Lord I am so tired
How long can this go on?

Well, I been workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Five o?clock in the mornin?
I?m up before the sun
When my work day is over
I?m too tired for havin? fun

I been workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine
Whew! About to slip down

Lord I am so tired
How long can this go on?

I been workin?, goin?, workin?
Whew! About to slip down

Mirror lyrics:

Whew! About to slip down
I been workin?, goin?, workin?

How long can this go on?
Lord I am so tired

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
I been workin? in a coal mine

I?m too tired for havin? fun
When my work day is over
I?m up before the sun
Five o?clock in the mornin?

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Well, I been workin? in a coal mine

How long can this go on?
Lord I am so tired

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Workin? in a coal mine

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
I been workin? in a coal mine

I?m too tired for havin? fun
When my work day is over
I?m up before the sun
Five o?clock in the mornin?

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Well I been workin? in a coal mine

Whew! About to slip down
Workin? in a coal mine
Goin? down, down
Well I been workin? in a coal mine

Relevant Tags:
WWorking IIn TThe CCoal MMine orking n he oal ine oWrking nI hTe oCal iMne aorking jn fhe foal jine aWorking jIn fThe fCoal jMine Waorking Ijn Tfhe Cfoal Mjine
3orking 9n 5he xoal kine 3Working 9In 5The xCoal kMine W3orking I9n T5he Cxoal Mkine dorking ln hhe voal nine dWorking lIn hThe vCoal nMine Wdorking Iln Thhe Cvoal Mnine
eorking on yhe doal Miine eWorking oIn yThe dCoal Mne Weorking Ion Tyhe Cdoal Mnie sorking kn 6he Cooal Mjne sWorking kIn 6The Cal Wsorking Ikn T6he Caol Mijne
2orking 8n ghe Ckal M9ne 2Working 8In gThe Ckoal M9ine W2orking I8n Tghe Cokal Mi9ne qorking un rhe C9al Mlne qWorking uIn rThe C9oal Mline Wqorking Iun Trhe Co9al Milne
Woorking Inn C0al Mone Wrking I Te C0oal Moine Wroking In Teh Co0al Mione Wkrking Im Tje Clal Mkne Wkorking Imn Tjhe Cloal Wokrking Inm Thje Colal Mikne
W9rking Ih Tue Cial M8ne W9orking Ihn Tuhe Cioal M8ine Wo9rking Inh Thue Coial Mi8ne W0rking Ij Tne Coaal Mune W0orking Tnhe Col Muine Wo0rking Inj Thne Cola Miune
Wlrking Ib Tbe Cozl Minne Wlorking Ibn Tbhe Cozal Mie Wolrking Inb Thbe Coazl Mien Wirking Tge Coql Mime Wiorking Coqal Mimne Woirking Thge Coaql Minme
Worrking Tye Cosl Mihe Woking Cosal Mihne Wokring Thye Coasl Minhe Wodking Thee Cowl Mije Wodrking Th Cowal Wordking The Coawl Minje
Wo4king Ths Coxl Mibe Wo4rking Thse Coxal Mibne Wor4king Thes Coaxl Minbe Wogking Th3 Coall Minee Wogrking Th3e Coa Min Worgking The3 Coal Mine
Wotking Thf Coak Mins Wotrking Thfe Coakl Minse Wortking Thef Coalk Mines Wo5king Thr Coao Min3 Wo5rking Thre Coaol Min3e Wor5king Ther Coalo Mine3
Wofking Th4 Coap Minf Wofrking Th4e Coapl Minfe Worfking The4 Coalp Minef Woeking Thd Minr Woerking Thde Minre Woreking Thed Miner
Workking Thw Min4 Woring Thwe Min4e

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