Diana Ross
Mean To Me

You're mean to me
Why must you be mean to me
Gee, honey it seems to me
You love to see me crying

I don't know why I stay home
Each night when you left all alone
Singing the blues and crying

You treat me coldly
Each day in the year
You always scold me
Whenever you're...
Mean to...

Mirror lyrics:

Mean to...
Whenever you're...
You always scold me
Each day in the year
You treat me coldly

Singing the blues and crying
Each night when you left all alone
I don't know why I stay home

You love to see me crying
Gee, honey it seems to me
Why must you be mean to me
You're mean to me

Relevant Tags:
MMean TTo MMe ean o e eMan oT eM jean fo je jMean fTo jMe Mjean Tfo Mje kean 5o ke kMean 5To kMe Mkean T5o Mke nean ho ne nMean hTo nMe
Mnean Tho Mne Meean yo Mee Man yTo M Maen Tyo Me Msan 6o Ms Msean 6To Mse Mesan T6o Mes M3an go M3 M3ean gTo M3e Me3an Tgo Me3 Mfan ro Mf
Mfean rTo Mfe Mefan Tro Mef Mran Too Mr Mrean T Mre Meran To Mer M4an Tk M4 M4ean Tko M4e Me4an Tok Me4 Mdan T9 Md Mdean T9o Mde Medan To9 Med
Mwan T0 Mw

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