Diana Ross
My World Is Empty Without You

My world is empty without you, babe
My world is empty without you, babe

And as I go my way alone
I find it hard for me to carry on
I need your strength, I need your tender touch
I need the love, my dear, I miss so much

My world is empty without you, babe
My world is empty without you, babe

From this old world, I try to hide my face
But from this loneliness there's no hiding place
Inside this cold and empty house I dwell
In darkness with memories, I know so well

I need love now more than before
I can hardly carry on anymore

My world is empty without you, babe
Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe

My mind and soul have felt like this
Since love between us no more exists
And each time that darkness falls
It finds me alone with these four walls

My world is empty without you, babe
Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe
Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe
Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe

Mirror lyrics:

Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe
Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe
Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe
My world is empty without you, babe

It finds me alone with these four walls
And each time that darkness falls
Since love between us no more exists
My mind and soul have felt like this

Without you, babe
(My world is empty)
Without you, babe
My world is empty without you, babe

I can hardly carry on anymore
I need love now more than before

In darkness with memories, I know so well
Inside this cold and empty house I dwell
But from this loneliness there's no hiding place
From this old world, I try to hide my face

My world is empty without you, babe
My world is empty without you, babe

I need the love, my dear, I miss so much
I need your strength, I need your tender touch
I find it hard for me to carry on
And as I go my way alone

My world is empty without you, babe
My world is empty without you, babe

Relevant Tags:
MMy WWorld IIs EEmpty WWithout YYou y orld s mpty ithout ou yM oWrld sI mEpty iWthout oYu jy aorld js smpty aithout gou jMy aWorld jIs sEmpty aWithout gYou
Mjy Waorld Ijs Esmpty Waithout Ygou ky 3orld 9s 3mpty 3ithout hou kMy 3World 9Is 3Empty 3Without hYou Mky W3orld I9s E3mpty W3ithout Yhou ny dorld ls fmpty dithout 6ou
nMy dWorld lIs fEmpty dWithout 6You Mny Wdorld Ils Efmpty Wdithout Y6ou Myy eorld os rmpty eithout uou M eWorld oIs rEmpty eWithout uYou My Weorld Ios Ermpty Weithout Yuou
Mg sorld ks 4mpty sithout 7ou Mgy sWorld kIs 4Empty sWithout 7You Myg Wsorld Iks E4mpty Wsithout Y7ou Mh 2orld 8s dmpty 2ithout jou Mhy 2World 8Is dEmpty 2Without jYou
Myh W2orld I8s Edmpty W2ithout Yjou M6 qorld us wmpty qithout tou M6y qWorld uIs wEmpty qWithout tYou My6 Wqorld Ius Ewmpty Wqithout Ytou Mu Woorld Iss Emmpty Wiithout Yoou
Muy Wrld I Epty Wthout Yu Myu Wrold Is Epmty Wtihout Yuo M7 Wkrld Iz Ejpty Wjthout Yku M7y Wkorld Izs Ejmpty Wjithout Ykou My7 Wokrld Isz Emjpty Wijthout Yoku
Mj W9rld Iw Ekpty W9thout Y9u W9orld Iws Ekmpty W9ithout Y9ou Myj Wo9rld Isw Emkpty Wi9thout Yo9u Mt W0rld Id Enpty Wlthout Y0u Mty W0orld Ids Enmpty Wlithout Y0ou
Myt Wo0rld Isd Emnpty Wilthout Yo0u Wlrld Ie Emppty Wothout Ylu Wlorld Ies Emty Woithout Ylou Wolrld Ise Emtpy Wiothout Yolu Wirld Ix Em0ty Wkthout Yiu
Wiorld Ixs Em0pty Wkithout Yiou Woirld Isx Emp0ty Wikthout Yoiu Worrld Ia Emlty W8thout Youu Wold Ias Emlpty W8ithout Yo Wolrd Isa Emplty Wi8thout You
Wodld Emoty Wuthout Yoh Wodrld Emopty Wuithout Yohu Wordld Empoty Wiuthout Youh Wo4ld Emptty Witthout Yo7 Wo4rld Empy Wihout Yo7u
Wor4ld Empyt Wihtout You7 Wogld Empfy Wifhout Yok Wogrld Empfty Wifthout Worgld Emptfy Witfhout Youk Wotld Emp5y Wi5hout Yoi
Wotrld Emp5ty Wi5thout Wortld Empt5y Wit5hout Youi Wo5ld Emphy Wihhout Yo8 Wo5rld Emphty Wihthout Yo8u Wor5ld Empthy Withhout You8
Wofld Empyy Wiyhout Yoj Wofrld Empyty Wiythout Yoju Worfld Emptyy Wityhout Youj Woeld Emp6y Wi6hout Yoy Woerld Emp6ty Wi6thout Yoyu
Woreld Empt6y Wit6hout Youy Worlld Empgy Wighout Word Empgty Wigthout Wordl Emptgy Witghout Workd Empry Wirhout
Workld Emprty Wirthout Worlkd Emptry Witrhout Worod Worold Empt Witout Worlod Empty Witohut
Worpd Emptg Witjout

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