Diana Ross
Let's Go Up

Comin' back on
Comin' back strong
Turnin' back on

Takin' the heat out in the street
Baby too long

Can you tell me how much fire
Will it take to get us higher

Hearin' the news, singin' the blues
You gotta choose
Stand up and fight, do it tonight
What can you lose
In a world of fading treasure
Love is the greatest pleasure

So let's go up, forget about down
'Cause in this town, it's gonna get rough
And what goes down, is up to us
So let's go up, baby let's go up

When it gets hot, like it or not
You want to run
Though it's so warm here in my arms
You won't get burned
In a world of fading treasures
The pleasure of your treasures
Can not be measured up

Ooh, I can't free a person from their charms
But I'll tell you this for sure
If nothing is ventured
Then nothing is gained, let's go

Mirror lyrics:

Then nothing is gained, let's go
If nothing is ventured
But I'll tell you this for sure
Ooh, I can't free a person from their charms

Can not be measured up
The pleasure of your treasures
In a world of fading treasures
You won't get burned
Though it's so warm here in my arms
You want to run
When it gets hot, like it or not

So let's go up, baby let's go up
And what goes down, is up to us
'Cause in this town, it's gonna get rough
So let's go up, forget about down

Love is the greatest pleasure
In a world of fading treasure
What can you lose
Stand up and fight, do it tonight
You gotta choose
Hearin' the news, singin' the blues

Will it take to get us higher
Can you tell me how much fire

Baby too long
Takin' the heat out in the street

Turnin' back on
Comin' back strong
Comin' back on

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LLet's GGo UUp et's o p eLt's oG pU ket's ho hp kLet's hGo hUp Lket's Gho Uhp oet's yo 7p oLet's yGo 7Up Loet's Gyo U7p pet's bo kp
pLet's bGo kUp Lpet's Gbo Ukp Leet's vo ip Lt's vGo iUp Lte's Gvo Uip Lst's fo 8p Lset's fGo 8Up Lest's Gfo U8p L3t's to jp L3et's tGo jUp
Le3t's Gto Ujp Lft's Goo yp Lfet's G yUp Left's Go Uyp Lrt's Gk Upp Lret's Gko U Lert's Gok Up L4t's G9 U0 L4et's G9o U0p Le4t's Go9 Up0
Ldt's G0 Ul Ldet's G0o Ulp Ledt's Go0 Upl Lwt's Gl Uo Lwet's Glo Uop Lewt's Gol Upo Lett's Gi Le's Gio Le'ts Goi Lef's

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