Diana Ross
Ain't Nothin' But A Maybe

Could it be he's interested
Or am I just wanting it to be so
Do I dare speak to him
Should I let the moment go

Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside
Should I let the feeling flow
Should I just let it flow
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
I sure would like to know

Could it be he's just friendly
That ain't nothing to get excited about
On the other hand he could be answering
Good vibrations I'm sending out

Well I just don't know
What I'm really seeing
Should I make a move
Or keep on day dreaming

Ain't nothing maybe, baby
I sure would like to
I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know
I sure would like to

Could it be he's interested
Should I let the moment go
Forget this feeling inside
Forget this feeling inside

Should I let the feeling flow
Should I just let it flow
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
I sure would like to
I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know

Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside
Should I let the feeling flow
Should I just let it flow
Ain't nothing maybe
Ain't nothing maybe, baby

Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside
Should I let the feeling flow
Should I just let it flow
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside

Mirror lyrics:

Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
Should I just let it flow
Should I let the feeling flow
Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside

Ain't nothing maybe, baby
Ain't nothing maybe
Should I just let it flow
Should I let the feeling flow
Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside

I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know
I sure would like to
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
Should I just let it flow
Should I let the feeling flow

Forget this feeling inside
Forget this feeling inside
Should I let the moment go
Could it be he's interested

I sure would like to
I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know
I sure would like to
Ain't nothing maybe, baby

Or keep on day dreaming
Should I make a move
What I'm really seeing
Well I just don't know

Good vibrations I'm sending out
On the other hand he could be answering
That ain't nothing to get excited about
Could it be he's just friendly

I sure would like to know
Ain't nothing maybe, baby
Should I just let it flow
Should I let the feeling flow
Forget this hunger inside
Forget this hunger inside

Should I let the moment go
Do I dare speak to him
Or am I just wanting it to be so
Could it be he's interested

Relevant Tags:
AAin't NNothin' BBut AA MMaybe in't othin' ut aybe iAn't oNthin' uBt A aMybe zin't mothin' vut z jaybe zAin't mNothin' vBut zA jMaybe
Azin't Nmothin' Bvut Az Mjaybe qin't hothin' gut q kaybe qAin't hNothin' gBut qA kMaybe Aqin't Nhothin' Bgut Aq Mkaybe sin't jothin' nut s naybe
sAin't jNothin' nBut sA nMaybe Asin't Njothin' Bnut As Mnaybe win't bothin' hut w Maaybe wAin't bNothin' hBut wA Mybe Awin't Nbothin' Bhut Aw Myabe
xin't Noothin' Buut x Mzybe xAin't Nthin' Bt xA Mzaybe Axin't Ntohin' Btu Ax Mazybe Aiin't Nkthin' Bht Mqybe An't Nkothin' Mqaybe
Ani't Nokthin' Buht Maqybe Ajn't N9thin' B7t Msybe Ajin't N9othin' B7ut Msaybe Aijn't No9thin' Bu7t Masybe A9n't N0thin' Bkt Mwybe
A9in't N0othin' Bkut Mwaybe Ai9n't No0thin' Bukt Mawybe Aln't Nlthin' Bit Mxybe Alin't Nlothin' Biut Mxaybe Ailn't Nolthin' Buit Maxybe
Aon't Nithin' B8t Mayybe Aoin't Niothin' B8ut Mabe Aion't Noithin' Bu8t Mabye Akn't Notthin' Bjt Magbe Akin't Nohin' Bjut Magybe
Aikn't Nohtin' Bujt Maygbe A8n't Nofhin' Byt Mahbe A8in't Nofthin' Byut Mahybe Ai8n't Notfhin' Buyt Mayhbe Aun't No5hin' Butt Ma6be
Auin't No5thin' Bu Ma6ybe Aiun't Not5hin' But May6be Ainn't Nohhin' Buf Maube Ai't Nohthin' Buft Mauybe Ai'nt Nothhin' Butf Mayube
Aim't Noyhin' Bu5 Ma7be Aimn't Noythin' Bu5t Ma7ybe Ainm't Notyhin' But5 May7be Aih't No6hin' Buh Majbe Aihn't No6thin' Majybe
Ainh't Not6hin' Buth Mayjbe Aij't Noghin' Buy Matbe Nogthin' Matybe Ainj't Notghin' Buty Maytbe Aib't Norhin' Bu6 Maybbe
Aibn't Northin' Bu6t Maye Ainb't Notrhin' But6 Mayeb

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