Diana Krall
Only Trust Your Heart

Never trust the stars
When you're about to fall in love
Look for hidden signs before you start to sigh

Never trust the moon
When you're about to taste his kiss
He knows all the lines and he knows how to lie

Just wait for a night
When the skies are all bare and then
If you still care

Never trust your dreams
When you're about to fall in love
For you're dreams may quickly fall apart

So if you're smart
Really smart
Only trust your heart

Mirror lyrics:

Only trust your heart
Really smart
So if you're smart

For you're dreams may quickly fall apart
When you're about to fall in love
Never trust your dreams

If you still care
When the skies are all bare and then
Just wait for a night

He knows all the lines and he knows how to lie
When you're about to taste his kiss
Never trust the moon

Look for hidden signs before you start to sigh
When you're about to fall in love
Never trust the stars

Relevant Tags:
OOnly TTrust YYour HHeart nly rust our eart nOly rTust oYur eHart knly frust gour jeart kOnly fTrust gYour jHeart Oknly Tfrust Ygour Hjeart
9nly 5rust hour ueart 9Only 5Trust hYour uHeart O9nly T5rust Yhour Hueart 0nly hrust 6our neart 0Only hTrust 6Your nHeart O0nly Thrust Y6our Hneart
lnly yrust uour beart lOnly yTrust uYour bHeart Olnly Tyrust Yuour Hbeart inly 6rust 7our geart iOnly 6Trust 7Your gHeart Oinly T6rust Y7our Hgeart
Onnly grust jour yeart Oly gTrust jYour yHeart Olny Tgrust Yjour Hyeart Omly rrust tour Heeart Omnly rTrust tYour Hart Onmly Trrust Ytour Haert
Ohly Yoour Hsart Ohnly Tust Yur Hseart Onhly Turst Yuor Hesart Ojly Tdust Ykur H3art Ojnly Tdrust Ykour H3eart Onjly Trdust Yokur He3art
Obly T4ust Y9ur Hfart Obnly T4rust Y9our Hfeart Onbly Tr4ust Yo9ur Hefart Onlly Tgust Y0ur Hrart Ony Y0our Hreart Onyl Trgust Yo0ur Herart
Onky Ttust Ylur H4art Onkly Ttrust Ylour H4eart Onlky Trtust Yolur He4art Onoy T5ust Yiur Hdart Onoly Yiour Hdeart Onloy Tr5ust Yoiur Hedart
Onpy Tfust Youur Hwart Onply Yor Hweart Onlpy Trfust Yoru Hewart Onlyy Teust Yohr Heaart Onl Terust Yohur Hert Only Treust Youhr Herat
Onlg Truust Yo7r Hezrt Onlgy Trst Yo7ur Hezart Onlyg Trsut You7r Heazrt Onlh Trhst Yokr Heqrt Onlhy Trhust Heqart Onlyh Truhst Youkr Heaqrt
Onl6 Tr7st Yoir Hesrt Onl6y Tr7ust Only6 Tru7st Youir Heasrt

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