David Byrne
The Cowboy Mambo (hey Lookit Me Now)

(mmm…) I can't find my way around this table,
And I can't find my way around your face,
And I can't find my way around your body,
And wasted days turn into wasted nights.

But hey look at me now,
Hey look at me now,
Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at me now!
Hey look at me now (ooh!)
Hey look at me now
Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at me now…

The future is the bright one you imagine,
Everything you value has been sold,
And every heart that takes a chance is broken,
(now,) I don't see you laughing at us no more…

Hey look at ya now,
Hey look at ya nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at ya now!
Hey look at ya now (ooh!)
Hey look at ya now
Hey look at ya nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at ya now…

Green grass grows around the backyard sh**thouse,
And that is where the sweetest flowers bloom…
Now we are flowers growing in god's garden,
And that is why he spreads the sh**t around…

But hey look at us now,
Hey look at us now,
Hey look at us nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at us now!
Hey look at us now (woo hoo!)
Hey look at us now
Hey look at us nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at us now…

Hey look at me now,
Hey look at me now,
Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at me now!
Hey look at me now (ooh!)
Hey look at me now
Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh,

Hey hey heeey!!

Mirror lyrics:

Hey hey heeey!!

Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh,
Hey look at me now
Hey look at me now (ooh!)
Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at me now!
Hey look at me now,
Hey look at me now,

Hey look at us nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at us now…
Hey look at us now
Hey look at us now (woo hoo!)
Hey look at us nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at us now!
Hey look at us now,
But hey look at us now,

And that is why he spreads the sh**t around…
Now we are flowers growing in god's garden,
And that is where the sweetest flowers bloom…
Green grass grows around the backyard sh**thouse,

Hey look at ya nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at ya now…
Hey look at ya now
Hey look at ya now (ooh!)
Hey look at ya nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at ya now!
Hey look at ya now,

(now,) I don't see you laughing at us no more…
And every heart that takes a chance is broken,
Everything you value has been sold,
The future is the bright one you imagine,

Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at me now…
Hey look at me now
Hey look at me now (ooh!)
Hey look at me nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuh look at me now!
Hey look at me now,
But hey look at me now,

And wasted days turn into wasted nights.
And I can't find my way around your body,
And I can't find my way around your face,
(mmm…) I can't find my way around this table,

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCowboy MMambo ((hey LLookit MMe NNow) he owboy ambo hey ookit e ow) hTe oCwboy aMmbo h(ey oLokit eM oNw) fhe fowboy jambo (hhey kookit je mow)
fThe fCowboy jMambo (ey kLookit jMe mNow) Tfhe Cfowboy Mjambo (ehy Lkookit Mje Nmow) 5he xowboy kambo (jey oookit ke how) 5The xCowboy kMambo (jhey oLookit kMe hNow)
T5he Cxowboy Mkambo (hjey Loookit Mke Nhow) hhe vowboy nambo (uey pookit ne jow) hThe vCowboy nMambo (uhey pLookit nMe jNow) Thhe Cvowboy Mnambo (huey Lpookit Mne Njow)
yhe dowboy Maambo (ney Mee bow) yThe dCowboy Mmbo (nhey Lokit M bNow) Tyhe Cdowboy Mmabo (hney Lookit Me Nbow) 6he Coowboy Mzmbo (bey Lkokit Ms Noow)
6The Cwboy Mzambo (bhey Mse Nw) T6he Cwoboy Mazmbo (hbey Lokokit Mes Nwo) ghe Ckwboy Mqmbo (gey L9okit M3 Nkw) gThe Ckowboy Mqambo (ghey L9ookit M3e Nkow)
Tghe Cokwboy Maqmbo (hgey Lo9okit Me3 Nokw) rhe C9wboy Msmbo (yey L0okit Mf N9w) rThe C9owboy Msambo (yhey L0ookit Mfe N9ow) Trhe Co9wboy Masmbo (hyey Lo0okit Mef No9w)
C0wboy Mwmbo (heey Llokit Mr N0w) Te C0owboy Mwambo (hy Llookit Mre N0ow) Teh Co0wboy Mawmbo (hye Lolokit Mer No0w) Tje Clwboy Mxmbo (hsy Liokit M4 Nlw)
Tjhe Clowboy Mxambo (hsey Liookit M4e Nlow) Thje Colwboy Maxmbo (hesy Loiokit Me4 Nolw) Tue Ciwboy Mammbo (h3y Md Niw) Tuhe Ciowboy Mabo (h3ey Mde Niow)
Thue Coiwboy Mabmo (he3y Lokoit Med Noiw) Tne Cowwboy Majbo (hfy Lokkit Mw Noww) Tnhe Coboy Majmbo (hfey Mwe No) Thne Cobwoy Mamjbo (hefy Lookkit Mew No)w
Tbe Coaboy Makbo (hry Lo9kit Noa) Tbhe Coawboy Makmbo (hrey Noaw) Thbe Cowaboy Mamkbo (hery Loo9kit Nowa) Tge Co3boy Manbo (h4y Lo0kit No3)
Co3wboy Manmbo (h4ey No3w) Thge Cow3boy Mamnbo (he4y Loo0kit Now3) Tye Codboy Mambbo (hdy Lolkit Nod) Codwboy Mamo (hdey Nodw)
Thye Cowdboy Mamob (hedy Loolkit Nowd) Thee Coeboy Mamvo (hwy Loikit Noe) Th Coewboy Mamvbo (hwey Noew) The Coweboy Mambvo (hewy Looikit Nowe)
Ths Cosboy Mamgo (heyy Nos) Thse Coswboy Mamgbo (he Looit Nosw) Thes Cowsboy Mambgo (hey Looikt Nows) Th3 Co2boy Mamno (heg Loolit No2)
Th3e Co2wboy (hegy No2w) The3 Cow2boy Mambno (heyg Looklit Now2) Thf Coqboy Mamho (heh Loooit Noq) Thfe Coqwboy Mamhbo (hehy Noqw)
Thef Cowqboy Mambho (heyh Lookoit Nowq)

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