David Bowie
David Bowie's Revolutionary Song

When people call us revolutionary
They're just tryin' to see
All that we choose

When all we want is everybody free
The universe would be one brotherhood

It isn't wrong to be prepared to fight
Together to unite if we believe
In giving everything our heart and soul
Until we reach the goal we should achieve

It shouldn't matter if we're brown or white
Yellow or black as night to anyone
We're all born equal with the self same rights
Sharing the same daylight under the sun

If loving freedom makes me quality
Of opportunity is where revolutionary
Constantly, fervently, firmly

Mirror lyrics:

Constantly, fervently, firmly
Of opportunity is where revolutionary
If loving freedom makes me quality

Sharing the same daylight under the sun
We're all born equal with the self same rights
Yellow or black as night to anyone
It shouldn't matter if we're brown or white

Until we reach the goal we should achieve
In giving everything our heart and soul
Together to unite if we believe
It isn't wrong to be prepared to fight

The universe would be one brotherhood
When all we want is everybody free

All that we choose
They're just tryin' to see
When people call us revolutionary

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