Corey Smith
I'm Not Gonna Cry

Sunday Shoes, Cap and Gown
The whole town gathered around
Waited 18 years now it's all comin down to this.
I scanned the crowd and it fills my soul
My best friends all here in rows
No turning back, Now its time to walk that line
This tassel is gonna turn
But when the moment passes by
We'll just walk away
Then slowly grow apart

But I'm not gonna cry, no
Not one sad or happy tear
I've waited my whole life
Now I'm gonna fly right outta here

It's a bittersweet goodbye, but I'm not gonna cry

Friday night, football games,
First loves and first heartbreaks,
It didnt matter who won or lost,
Only how we played,
Memories as good as gold,
Tearin' up those mountain roads,
racin' out 53, to old georgetown,
sure we made a little trouble,
but learned from every mistake,
so theres no regret,
we've done the best we could

so im not gonna cry, no
not one sad or happy tear
ive waited my whole life
now im gonna fly right outta here

these have been the best years of my life
so im not gonna cry

its been a lonely, winding journey
and we've lost a few along the way
still we've hung in there through the tribulations
now its time to celebrate
its our graduation day

so im not gonna cry
not one sad or happy tear
ive waited my whole life
so im gonna fly right outta here

this has been the best day of my life, so im not gonna cry

its a bittersweet goodbye, im not gonna cry

Mirror lyrics:

its a bittersweet goodbye, im not gonna cry

this has been the best day of my life, so im not gonna cry

so im gonna fly right outta here
ive waited my whole life
not one sad or happy tear
so im not gonna cry

its our graduation day
now its time to celebrate
still we've hung in there through the tribulations
and we've lost a few along the way
its been a lonely, winding journey

so im not gonna cry
these have been the best years of my life

now im gonna fly right outta here
ive waited my whole life
not one sad or happy tear
so im not gonna cry, no

we've done the best we could
so theres no regret,
but learned from every mistake,
sure we made a little trouble,
racin' out 53, to old georgetown,
Tearin' up those mountain roads,
Memories as good as gold,
Only how we played,
It didnt matter who won or lost,
First loves and first heartbreaks,
Friday night, football games,

It's a bittersweet goodbye, but I'm not gonna cry

Now I'm gonna fly right outta here
I've waited my whole life
Not one sad or happy tear
But I'm not gonna cry, no

Then slowly grow apart
We'll just walk away
But when the moment passes by
This tassel is gonna turn
No turning back, Now its time to walk that line
My best friends all here in rows
I scanned the crowd and it fills my soul
Waited 18 years now it's all comin down to this.
The whole town gathered around
Sunday Shoes, Cap and Gown

Relevant Tags:
II'm NNot GGonna CCry 'm ot onna ry 'Im oNt oGnna rCy j'm mot honna fry jI'm mNot hGonna fCry Ij'm Nmot Ghonna Cfry
9'm hot yonna xry 9I'm hNot yGonna xCry I9'm Nhot Gyonna Cxry l'm jot bonna vry lI'm jNot bGonna vCry Il'm Njot Gbonna Cvry
o'm bot vonna dry oI'm bNot vGonna dCry Io'm Nbot Gvonna Cdry k'm Noot fonna Crry kI'm Nt fGonna Cy Ik'm Nto Gfonna Cyr
8'm Nkt tonna Cdy 8I'm Nkot tGonna I8'm Nokt Gtonna Crdy u'm N9t Goonna C4y uI'm N9ot Gnna C4ry Iu'm No9t Gnona Cr4y
I''m N0t Gknna Cgy Im N0ot Gkonna Cgry Im' No0t Goknna Crgy I'mm Nlt G9nna Cty I' Nlot G9onna Ctry I'm Nolt Go9nna Crty
I'j Nit G0nna C5y I'jm Niot G0onna C5ry I'mj Noit Go0nna Cr5y I'k Nott Glnna Cfy I'km No Glonna I'mk Not Golnna Crfy
I'n Nof Ginna Cey I'nm Noft Gionna Cery I'mn Notf Goinna Crey No5 Gonnna Cryy

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