Corey Hart
Black Cloud Rain

we say that believing was yours and mine to break
colours bled each glittered night, the sky was crying
is there a danger that we feel too much?
we believe that love survives let it conquer
would i walk a thousand miles
to see your smile?
would i lay me down and die?

yes you came , saved me from
the black cloud rain
sweet angel in my arms
then you cried washed away
the black cloud rain
all my senses came alive
you touched love so pure
the black cloud rain
never shadow again

i don't want to live in the black cloud rain
i don't want to follow the black cloud rain
i don't want to pray to the black cloud rain
shelter me from the black cloud rain

there is forgiveness breathing in the world
ancient souls from ancient times run deeper
we are everything and nothing recognized
scary monsters on my wall

yes you came, saved me from
the black cloud rain
sweet angel in my arms
then you cried washed away
the black cloud rains
all my senses came alive
you touched love so pure
the black cloud rains
never shadow again

i don't want to live in the black cloud rain
i don't want to follow the black cloud rain
i don't want to pray to the black cloud rain
shelter me from the black cloud rain

black cloud rain, i don't want to see
black cloud rain, away from me
black cloud rain don't follow me
ancien sould come set me free

Mirror lyrics:

ancien sould come set me free
black cloud rain don't follow me
black cloud rain, away from me
black cloud rain, i don't want to see

shelter me from the black cloud rain
i don't want to pray to the black cloud rain
i don't want to follow the black cloud rain
i don't want to live in the black cloud rain

never shadow again
the black cloud rains
you touched love so pure
all my senses came alive
the black cloud rains
then you cried washed away
sweet angel in my arms
the black cloud rain
yes you came, saved me from

scary monsters on my wall
we are everything and nothing recognized
ancient souls from ancient times run deeper
there is forgiveness breathing in the world

shelter me from the black cloud rain
i don't want to pray to the black cloud rain
i don't want to follow the black cloud rain
i don't want to live in the black cloud rain

never shadow again
the black cloud rain
you touched love so pure
all my senses came alive
the black cloud rain
then you cried washed away
sweet angel in my arms
the black cloud rain
yes you came , saved me from

would i lay me down and die?
to see your smile?
would i walk a thousand miles
we believe that love survives let it conquer
is there a danger that we feel too much?
colours bled each glittered night, the sky was crying
we say that believing was yours and mine to break

Relevant Tags:
BBlack CCloud RRain lack loud ain lBack lCoud aRin vlack floud dain vBlack fCloud dRain Bvlack Cfloud Rdain glack xloud 4ain
gBlack xCloud 4Rain Bglack Cxloud R4ain nlack vloud gain nBlack vCloud gRain Bnlack Cvloud Rgain hlack dloud tain hBlack dCloud tRain
Bhlack Cdloud Rtain Bllack Clloud 5ain Back Coud 5Rain Balck Colud R5ain Bkack Ckoud fain Bklack Ckloud fRain Blkack Clkoud Rfain
Boack Cooud eain Bolack Coloud eRain Bloack Clooud Reain Bpack Cpoud Raain Bplack Cploud Rin Blpack Clpoud Rian Blaack Rzin
Blck Clud Rzain Blcak Cluod Razin Blzck Clkud Rqin Blzack Rqain Blazck Clokud Raqin Blqck Cl9ud Rsin Blqack Cl9oud Rsain
Blaqck Clo9ud Rasin Blsck Cl0ud Rwin Blsack Cl0oud Rwain Blasck Clo0ud Rawin Blwck Cllud Rxin Blwack Rxain Blawck Clolud Raxin
Blxck Cliud Raiin

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