Phantom Rider

When the gravel turns to oil
Was it your intention to be part of it all?
Or to never take part at all?
And how you won't be bothered
But it was never my intention to push you away, away.

So light the torches and turn the ringer off
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
To where we once belonged

So light the torches and turn the ringer off
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
To where we once belonged

Be what may.
Be what may.

So light the torches and turn the ringer off.
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
To where we once belonged

So light the torches and turn the ringer off.
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
To where we once belonged

This hunt for something worthwhile to make us stick
Well our goal is getting fuzzy.
And our hopes are running dry
It's all a matter of finding the other half of your own brain
And the whole of your heart
So these optimistic songs we hear
They mean nothing at all
Because things will never be ok this way.
They will never be ok, this way

Be what may.

So scrimp and save and blow your fingernails dry
And some of the guilt away
But you know that he's coming,
You know that he's coming
Be what may

So scrimp and save and blow your fingernails dry
And some of the guilt away
But you know that he's coming,
You know that he's coming
Be what may
Be what may
Be what may
Be what may

Mirror lyrics:

Be what may
Be what may
Be what may
Be what may
You know that he's coming
But you know that he's coming,
And some of the guilt away
So scrimp and save and blow your fingernails dry

Be what may
You know that he's coming
But you know that he's coming,
And some of the guilt away
So scrimp and save and blow your fingernails dry

Be what may.

They will never be ok, this way
Because things will never be ok this way.
They mean nothing at all
So these optimistic songs we hear
And the whole of your heart
It's all a matter of finding the other half of your own brain
And our hopes are running dry
Well our goal is getting fuzzy.
This hunt for something worthwhile to make us stick

To where we once belonged
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
So light the torches and turn the ringer off.

To where we once belonged
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
So light the torches and turn the ringer off.

Be what may.
Be what may.

To where we once belonged
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
So light the torches and turn the ringer off

To where we once belonged
Let's get back, Yah, we gotta' get it back
So light the torches and turn the ringer off

But it was never my intention to push you away, away.
And how you won't be bothered
Or to never take part at all?
Was it your intention to be part of it all?
When the gravel turns to oil

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Phwntom Ruder Phwantom Ruider Phawntom Riuder Phxntom Ridder Phxantom Rier Phaxntom Riedr Phanntom Rixer Phatom Rixder Phatnom Ridxer
Phamtom Rieer Phamntom Rieder Phanmtom Rideer Phahtom Rifer Phahntom Rifder

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