Back To The Cross

you did it once

you did it twice

you've sinned again, and spit on Christ

you asked forgiveness the other day

same sin repeated, don't you get it?

you don't know how to repent

wearing grace thin, it's such a shame

no willpower, lack of loyalty

a new excuse, a dangerous game

repeated - you've sinned again

weakness - you mock God

mercy - your credit card

you can't fool God - God's not mocked

as the dog returns to its vomit

so the fool returns to his folly

will you learn from your mistakes?

will you turn from your sin?

you face the world and turn from God

that's your bag and it's so wrong

you don't know how to repent

forgiveness starts and sinning ends

when you're weak he is strong

stop excusing yourself for wrong

back to the cross

you face the world with no regard to God

get back to the cross

stop using grace to justify your sin

Mirror lyrics:

stop using grace to justify your sin

get back to the cross

you face the world with no regard to God

back to the cross

stop excusing yourself for wrong

when you're weak he is strong

forgiveness starts and sinning ends

you don't know how to repent

that's your bag and it's so wrong

you face the world and turn from God

will you turn from your sin?

will you learn from your mistakes?

so the fool returns to his folly

as the dog returns to its vomit

you can't fool God - God's not mocked

mercy - your credit card

weakness - you mock God

repeated - you've sinned again

a new excuse, a dangerous game

no willpower, lack of loyalty

wearing grace thin, it's such a shame

you don't know how to repent

same sin repeated, don't you get it?

you asked forgiveness the other day

you've sinned again, and spit on Christ

you did it twice

you did it once

Relevant Tags:
BBack TTo TThe CCross ack o he ross aBck oT hTe rCoss vack fo fhe fross vBack fTo fThe fCross Bvack Tfo Tfhe Cfross
gack 5o 5he xross gBack 5To 5The xCross Bgack T5o T5he Cxross nack ho hhe vross nBack hTo hThe vCross Bnack Tho Thhe Cvross
hack yo yhe dross hBack yTo yThe dCross Bhack Tyo Tyhe Cdross Baack 6o 6he Crross Bck 6To 6The Coss Bcak T6o T6he Corss
Bzck go ghe Cdoss Bzack gTo gThe Bazck Tgo Tghe Crdoss Bqck ro rhe C4oss Bqack rTo rThe C4ross Baqck Tro Trhe Cr4oss
Bsck Too Cgoss Bsack T Te Cgross Basck To Teh Crgoss Bwck Tk Tje Ctoss Bwack Tko Tjhe Ctross Bawck Tok Thje Crtoss
Bxck T9 Tue C5oss Bxack T9o Tuhe C5ross Baxck To9 Thue Cr5oss Bacck T0 Tne Cfoss Bak T0o Tnhe Bakc To0 Thne Crfoss
Bafk Tl Tbe Ceoss Bafck Tlo Tbhe Ceross Bacfk Tol Thbe Creoss Baxk Ti Tge Crooss Tio Crss Bacxk Toi Thge Crsos
Bavk Tye Crkss Bavck Crkoss

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