A Druids Passing

See the stone circle on the hilltop,
Shining in the light of the moon,
See the druid kneel in prayer,
Praying because his life will end soon.

For fifty years he has walked this earth,
For fifty years he has known no shame,
Now he knows it's time to return,
Back to the earth from whence he came.

See the stone circle on the hilltop,
Shining in the break of day,
See the druid lying in silence,
See the druid who died today.

Mirror lyrics:

See the druid who died today.
See the druid lying in silence,
Shining in the break of day,
See the stone circle on the hilltop,

Back to the earth from whence he came.
Now he knows it's time to return,
For fifty years he has known no shame,
For fifty years he has walked this earth,

Praying because his life will end soon.
See the druid kneel in prayer,
Shining in the light of the moon,
See the stone circle on the hilltop,

Relevant Tags:
AA DDruids PPassing ruids assing A rDuids aPssing z xruids 0assing zA xDruids 0Passing Az Dxruids P0assing q eruids lassing
qA eDruids lPassing Aq Deruids Plassing s fruids oassing sA fDruids oPassing As Dfruids Poassing w rruids Paassing wA rDruids Pssing
Aw Drruids Psasing x cruids Pzssing xA cDruids Pzassing Ax Dcruids Pazssing sruids Pqssing sDruids Pqassing Dsruids Paqssing
Psssing Duids Psassing Durids Passsing Dduids Pwssing Ddruids Pwassing Drduids Pawssing D4uids Pxssing
D4ruids Pxassing Dr4uids Paxssing Dguids Dgruids Pasing Drguids Passing Dtuids Pazsing Dtruids
Drtuids Paszsing D5uids Pawsing D5ruids Dr5uids Paswsing Dfuids Padsing Padssing Drfuids Pasdsing
Deuids Paesing Paessing Dreuids Pasesing Druuids Paxsing Drids Driuds Pasxsing Drhids Paasing
Drhuids Druhids Pasasing Dr7ids Dr7uids Dru7ids Pasisng Drkids Paszing Drkuids
Drukids Passzing Driids Paswing Driuids Druiids Passwing Dr8ids Pasding Dr8uids

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