Crowned King
Playing God

Fire me up
I'm gonna set this world ablaze
This head is far to hot to be contained
With my power
I'll comand my armies to parade
Then send them off so you wont be afraid
Cause you can't save yourself
So clear the city streets
Go lock and bar your doors
And turn on your t.v.'s
And you can save yourself
By trusting what I choose
And I'll just keep on playing god
I'm getting back at them for you
Feel my strength
As tradgedies collide like trains
These iron fist will grip and ease the pain
So role over
I'm gonna be so inhumane
but arn't things so much safer since I came

Mirror lyrics:

but arn't things so much safer since I came
I'm gonna be so inhumane
So role over
These iron fist will grip and ease the pain
As tradgedies collide like trains
Feel my strength
I'm getting back at them for you
And I'll just keep on playing god
By trusting what I choose
And you can save yourself
And turn on your t.v.'s
Go lock and bar your doors
So clear the city streets
Cause you can't save yourself
Then send them off so you wont be afraid
I'll comand my armies to parade
With my power
This head is far to hot to be contained
I'm gonna set this world ablaze
Fire me up

Relevant Tags:
PPlaying GGod laying od lPaying oGd 0laying hod 0Playing hGod P0laying Ghod llaying yod lPlaying yGod Pllaying Gyod olaying bod
oPlaying bGod Polaying Gbod vod Paying vGod Palying Gvod Pkaying fod Pklaying fGod Plkaying Gfod Poaying tod tGod
Ploaying Gtod Ppaying Good Pplaying Gd Plpaying Gdo Plaaying Gkd Plying Gkod Plyaing Gokd Plzying G9d Plzaying G9od Plazying Go9d
Plqying G0d Plqaying G0od Plaqying Go0d Plsying Gld Plsaying Glod Plasying Gold Plwying Gid Plwaying Giod Plawying Goid Plxying Godd
Plxaying Go Plaxying God Playying Gox Plaing Goxd Plaiyng Godx Plaging Goe Plagying Goed Playging Gode Plahing Gof Plahying Gofd
Playhing Godf Pla6ing Gor Pla6ying Gord Play6ing Godr Plauing Goc Plauying Gocd Playuing Godc Pla7ing Gos Pla7ying Gosd Play7ing Gods

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