After All

Hear the voice of the unremembered heart
Hear the silence between each word
Black and white divided grays that cut between us
Filled with broken shards of promised days

I'm standing far ahead
Always looking backwards
I'm standing far behind
With eyes fixed on tomorrow

Breathe in deep, and open your heart again
The fire burns where the embers fall
So love, in spite of the pain you feel
For the lives we live - follow after all

Where are the artists and the prophets?
Lost below the wheels of this machine..
Because money drives the vanity of human culture
But emotion fuels our hope and feeds our dreams

They dance upon the water
They dance upon the fire
They dance upon the stony ground
With palms turned to the sky

Mirror lyrics:

With palms turned to the sky
They dance upon the stony ground
They dance upon the fire
They dance upon the water

But emotion fuels our hope and feeds our dreams
Because money drives the vanity of human culture
Lost below the wheels of this machine..
Where are the artists and the prophets?

For the lives we live - follow after all
So love, in spite of the pain you feel
The fire burns where the embers fall
Breathe in deep, and open your heart again

With eyes fixed on tomorrow
I'm standing far behind
Always looking backwards
I'm standing far ahead

Filled with broken shards of promised days
Black and white divided grays that cut between us
Hear the silence between each word
Hear the voice of the unremembered heart

Relevant Tags:
AAfter AAll fter ll fAter lAl zfter zll zAfter zAll Azfter Azll qfter qll qAfter qAll Aqfter Aqll sfter sll sAfter sAll
Asfter Asll wfter wll wAfter wAll Awfter Awll xfter xll xAfter xAll Axfter Axll Affter Alll Ater Al Atfer All Acter Akl
Acfter Akll Afcter Alkl Arter Aol Arfter Aoll Afrter Alol Agter Apl Agfter Apll Afgter Alpl Atter Atfter Aftter
Avter Alk Avfter Afvter Allk Adter Alo Adfter Afdter Allo Alp Afer Afetr Allp Affer Aftfer
Af5er Af5ter Aft5er Afher Afhter

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