Crash Test Dummies
Comin Back Soon

I've all my wisdom teeth
Two up top, two beneath
And yet I'll recognise
My mouth says things that aren't so wise
But when I sing my darling's praise
I know I'm right, or close anyways
For she's a gem upon this earth
I know to me she will return

Oh I know it's true, I know it's true
That I was made for her, and she me too
And I'm confident that she'll think so too
And she'll be coming back...soon

Mornings we have toast and tea
I gaze across the table, she glares right back at me
And when we're getting low on jam
I give her the last spoonful, that's just the way I am
And I drive her to work each day
Even though it's early and work is far away
And I don't even say a thing
When she plays the radio so loud you cannot think


I can't stand her goddamned friends
But I will tolerate them, even though I hate them
And I will put up with her parents
'cause she says I'll not meet someone who is so kind and sweet
Ever again...


I've all my wisdom teeth
Two up top, two beneath
And yet I'll recognise
My mouth says things that aren't so wise
But when I sing my darling's praise
I know I'm right, or close anyways
For she's a gem upon this earth
I know to me she will return


Yeah she'll be coming back...soon

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah she'll be coming back...soon


I know to me she will return
For she's a gem upon this earth
I know I'm right, or close anyways
But when I sing my darling's praise
My mouth says things that aren't so wise
And yet I'll recognise
Two up top, two beneath
I've all my wisdom teeth


Ever again...
'cause she says I'll not meet someone who is so kind and sweet
And I will put up with her parents
But I will tolerate them, even though I hate them
I can't stand her goddamned friends


When she plays the radio so loud you cannot think
And I don't even say a thing
Even though it's early and work is far away
And I drive her to work each day
I give her the last spoonful, that's just the way I am
And when we're getting low on jam
I gaze across the table, she glares right back at me
Mornings we have toast and tea

And she'll be coming back...soon
And I'm confident that she'll think so too
That I was made for her, and she me too
Oh I know it's true, I know it's true

I know to me she will return
For she's a gem upon this earth
I know I'm right, or close anyways
But when I sing my darling's praise
My mouth says things that aren't so wise
And yet I'll recognise
Two up top, two beneath
I've all my wisdom teeth

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CComin BBack SSoon omin ack oon oCmin aBck oSon fomin vack zoon fComin vBack zSoon Cfomin Bvack Szoon xomin gack woon
xComin gBack wSoon Cxomin Bgack Swoon vomin nack doon vComin nBack dSoon Cvomin Bnack Sdoon domin hack eoon dComin hBack eSoon
Cdomin Bhack Seoon Coomin Baack xoon Cmin Bck xSoon Cmoin Bcak Sxoon Ckmin Bzck aoon Ckomin Bzack aSoon Cokmin Bazck Saoon
C9min Bqck Sooon C9omin Bqack Son Co9min Baqck Soon C0min Bsck Skon C0omin Bsack Skoon Co0min Basck Sokon Clmin Bwck S9on
Clomin Bwack S9oon Colmin Bawck So9on Cimin Bxck S0on Ciomin Bxack S0oon Coimin Baxck So0on Commin Bacck Slon Coin Bak Sloon
Coimn Bakc Solon Cojin Bafk Sion Cojmin Bafck Sioon Comjin Bacfk Soion Cokin Baxk

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