Crash Street Kids
Let's Rock And Roll Tonite

Come on, come on turn down the lights and let's go
Come on, come on let your hair down, let's give ‘em a show

Ain't nobody but you baby, ain't nobody but me baby
I been thinking ‘bout you baby
Do you wanna groove with me baby?

Come on let's go, it's one for the money and two for the show
Let's rock and roll tonite

Come on, come on turn down the lights and let's go
Come on, come on drop the needle and go, go, go

Come on let's go, it's one for the money and two for the show
Let's rock and roll tonite

Let's rock and roll
God bless my soul
Let's rock and roll

Mirror lyrics:

Let's rock and roll
God bless my soul
Let's rock and roll

Let's rock and roll tonite
Come on let's go, it's one for the money and two for the show

Come on, come on drop the needle and go, go, go
Come on, come on turn down the lights and let's go

Let's rock and roll tonite
Come on let's go, it's one for the money and two for the show

Do you wanna groove with me baby?
I been thinking ‘bout you baby
Ain't nobody but you baby, ain't nobody but me baby

Come on, come on let your hair down, let's give ‘em a show
Come on, come on turn down the lights and let's go

Relevant Tags:
LLet's RRock AAnd RRoll TTonite et's ock nd oll onite eLt's oRck nAd oRll oTnite ket's dock znd doll fonite kLet's dRock zAnd dRoll fTonite
Lket's Rdock Aznd Rdoll Tfonite oet's 4ock qnd 4oll 5onite oLet's 4Rock qAnd 4Roll 5Tonite Loet's R4ock Aqnd R4oll T5onite pet's gock snd goll honite
pLet's gRock sAnd gRoll hTonite Lpet's Rgock Asnd Rgoll Thonite Leet's tock wnd toll yonite Lt's tRock wAnd tRoll yTonite Lte's Rtock Awnd Rtoll Tyonite
Lst's 5ock xnd 5oll 6onite Lset's 5Rock xAnd 5Roll 6Tonite Lest's R5ock Axnd R5oll T6onite L3t's fock Annd foll gonite L3et's fRock Ad fRoll gTonite
Le3t's Rfock Adn Rfoll Tgonite Lft's eock Amd eoll ronite Lfet's eRock Amnd eRoll rTonite Left's Reock Anmd Reoll Tronite Lrt's Roock Ahd Rooll Toonite
Lret's Rck Ahnd Rll Tnite Lert's Rcok Anhd Rlol Tnoite L4t's Rkck Ajd Rkll Tknite L4et's Rkock Ajnd Rkoll Tkonite Le4t's Rokck Anjd Rokll Toknite
Ldt's R9ck Abd R9ll T9nite Ldet's R9ock Abnd R9oll T9onite Ledt's Ro9ck Anbd Ro9ll To9nite Lwt's R0ck Andd R0ll T0nite Lwet's R0ock An R0oll T0onite
Lewt's Ro0ck And Ro0ll To0nite Lett's Rlck Anx Rlll Tlnite Le's Rlock Anxd Rloll Tlonite Le'ts Rolck Andx Rolll Tolnite Lef's Rick Ane Rill Tinite
Riock Aned Rioll Tionite Letf's Roick Ande Roill Toinite Le5's Rocck Anf Tonnite Le5t's Rok Anfd Rol Toite Let5's Rokc Andf Roll Tointe
Leh's Rofk Anr Rokl Tomite Leht's Rofck Anrd Tomnite Leth's Rocfk Andr Rolkl Tonmite Ley's Roxk Anc Rool Tohite Leyt's Roxck Ancd Tohnite
Lety's Rocxk Andc Rolol Tonhite Le6's Rovk Ans Ropl Tojite Le6t's Rovck Ansd Ropll Tojnite Let6's Rocvk Ands Rolpl Tonjite Leg's Rodk Tobite
Legt's Rodck Tobnite Letg's Rocdk Tonbite Ler's Rockk Rolk Toniite Roc Tonte Letr's Rock Rollk Tontie
Let''s Rocl Rolo Tonjte Lets Roclk Lets' Rockl Rollo Tonijte

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