All Women Are Bad

Adam and eve, sittin' in the woods
Eve said, ?Man I got somethin' real good
It's in that tree, you'll get smart fast!?
Adam said 'sure, ?Satan my ass
I don't see no snakes but all women are bad?

All women are bad, all women are bad
That's what he said all women are bad
They got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
All women are bad, all women are bad, yeah

Samson and Delilah, talkin' bout groomin'
Delilah said, ?Sam, you don't look human?
Took some scissors, went snip-snip
Said, ?Now everybody's gonna think you're hip?
Sam felt his head and said, ?All women are bad?

All women are bad, all women are bad
That's what he said all women are bad
Yeah they got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
All women are bad, all women are bad, yeah

Yeah there's one with you, lookin' so sweet
But she's just a wolf dressed up like sheep
Secret gadgets up under their clothes
Stuff you hear about but nobody knows
And it ain't no use all women are bad

All women are bad, all women are bad
That's what I said all women are bad
Oh they got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
All women are bad, all women are bad

Save me the label of that perfume on the table
So I can remember what made a wreck of me

All women are bad, all women are bad
That's what I said all women are bad
Ooh they got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
All women are bad, all women are bad

All women are bad, bad, bad
They got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
All women are bad, all women are bad, bad, bad
All women are bad

Mirror lyrics:

All women are bad
All women are bad, all women are bad, bad, bad
They got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
All women are bad, bad, bad

All women are bad, all women are bad
Ooh they got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
That's what I said all women are bad
All women are bad, all women are bad

So I can remember what made a wreck of me
Save me the label of that perfume on the table

All women are bad, all women are bad
Oh they got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
That's what I said all women are bad
All women are bad, all women are bad

And it ain't no use all women are bad
Stuff you hear about but nobody knows
Secret gadgets up under their clothes
But she's just a wolf dressed up like sheep
Yeah there's one with you, lookin' so sweet

All women are bad, all women are bad, yeah
Yeah they got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
That's what he said all women are bad
All women are bad, all women are bad

Sam felt his head and said, ?All women are bad?
Said, ?Now everybody's gonna think you're hip?
Took some scissors, went snip-snip
Delilah said, ?Sam, you don't look human?
Samson and Delilah, talkin' bout groomin'

All women are bad, all women are bad, yeah
They got groovy wiggly tails, they got horns on their head
That's what he said all women are bad
All women are bad, all women are bad

I don't see no snakes but all women are bad?
Adam said 'sure, ?Satan my ass
It's in that tree, you'll get smart fast!?
Eve said, ?Man I got somethin' real good
Adam and eve, sittin' in the woods

Relevant Tags:
AAll WWomen AAre BBad ll omen re ad lAl oWmen rAe aBd zll aomen zre vad zAll aWomen zAre vBad Azll Waomen Azre Bvad
qll 3omen qre gad qAll 3Women qAre gBad Aqll W3omen Aqre Bgad sll domen sre nad sAll dWomen sAre nBad Asll Wdomen Asre Bnad
wll eomen wre had wAll eWomen wAre hBad Awll Weomen Awre Bhad xll somen xre Baad xAll sWomen xAre Bd Axll Wsomen Axre Bda
Alll 2omen Arre Bzd Al 2Women Ae Bzad All W2omen Aer Bazd Akl qomen Ade Bqd Akll qWomen Adre Bqad Alkl Wqomen Arde Baqd
Aol Woomen A4e Bsd Aoll Wmen A4re Bsad Alol Wmoen Ar4e Basd Apl Wkmen Age Bwd Apll Wkomen Agre Bwad Alpl Wokmen Arge Bawd
W9men Ate Bxd W9omen Atre Bxad Wo9men Arte Baxd Alk W0men A5e Badd W0omen A5re Ba Allk Wo0men Ar5e Bad
Alo Wlmen Afe Bax Wlomen Afre Allo Wolmen Arfe Badx Alp Wimen Aee Bae Wiomen Aere Baed Allp Woimen Aree Bade
Wommen Baf Woen Ar Bafd Woemn Are Badf Wojen Ars Bar

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