Craig Herbertson
Bonnie Light Horseman

When Bonnie commanded his armies to stand
he levelled his cannon all over the land
he levelled his cannon his victory to gain
and slew my light horseman on the way comin' hame.

Broken hearted I'll wander broken hearted I'll remain
since my bonnie light horseman in the wars he was slain.

If I was a small bird and had wings to fly
I'd fly oer the ocean to where my love lies
and with my fond wings I'd beat over his grave
and kiss the pale lips lieing cold in the clay.

Now the dove she laments for her mate as she flies
oh where tell me where is my darling she cries
and where in this wide world is there one to compare
with my bonnie light horseman who was slain in the wars.

Mirror lyrics:

with my bonnie light horseman who was slain in the wars.
and where in this wide world is there one to compare
oh where tell me where is my darling she cries
Now the dove she laments for her mate as she flies

and kiss the pale lips lieing cold in the clay.
and with my fond wings I'd beat over his grave
I'd fly oer the ocean to where my love lies
If I was a small bird and had wings to fly

since my bonnie light horseman in the wars he was slain.
Broken hearted I'll wander broken hearted I'll remain

and slew my light horseman on the way comin' hame.
he levelled his cannon his victory to gain
he levelled his cannon all over the land
When Bonnie commanded his armies to stand

Relevant Tags:
BBonnie LLight HHorseman onnie ight orseman oBnnie iLght oHrseman vonnie kight jorseman vBonnie kLight jHorseman Bvonnie Lkight Hjorseman
gonnie oight uorseman gBonnie oLight uHorseman Bgonnie Loight Huorseman nonnie pight norseman nBonnie pLight nHorseman Bnonnie Lpight Hnorseman
honnie Liight borseman hBonnie Lght bHorseman Bhonnie Lgiht Hborseman Boonnie Ljght gorseman Bnnie Ljight gHorseman Bnonie Lijght Hgorseman
Bknnie L9ght yorseman Bkonnie L9ight yHorseman Boknnie Li9ght Hyorseman B9nnie Llght Hoorseman B9onnie Llight Hrseman Bo9nnie Lilght Hroseman
B0nnie Loght Hkrseman B0onnie Hkorseman Bo0nnie Lioght Hokrseman Blnnie Lkght H9rseman Blonnie H9orseman Bolnnie Likght Ho9rseman
Binnie L8ght H0rseman Bionnie L8ight H0orseman Boinnie Li8ght Ho0rseman Bonnnie Lught Hlrseman Bonie Luight Hlorseman Bonnie Liught Holrseman
Bomnie Ligght Hirseman Bomnnie Liht Hiorseman Bonmnie Lihgt Hoirseman Bohnie Lihht Horrseman Bohnnie Lihght Hoseman Bonhnie Lighht Hosreman
Bojnie Liyht Hodseman Bojnnie Liyght Hodrseman Bonjnie Ligyht Hordseman Bobnie Libht Ho4seman Bobnnie Libght Ho4rseman Bonbnie Ligbht Hor4seman
Livht Hogseman Livght Hogrseman Bonine Ligvht Horgseman Bonmie Lifht Hotseman Lifght Hotrseman Bonnmie Ligfht Hortseman
Bonhie Litht Ho5seman Litght Ho5rseman Bonnhie Ligtht Hor5seman Bonjie Hofseman Ligt Hofrseman Bonnjie Ligth Horfseman
Bonbie Ligjt Hoeseman Ligjht Hoerseman Bonnbie Lighjt Horeseman Bonniie Ligut Horsseman Bonne Liguht Horeman Bonnei Lighut Horesman
Bonnje Lignt Horzeman Lignht Horzseman Bonnije Lighnt Horszeman Bonn9e Ligbt Horweman Bonn9ie Horwseman Bonni9e Lighbt Horsweman
Bonnle Liggt Hordeman Bonnlie

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