Craig David
Sunshine [uk Garage Remix]

I like it when the snare comes in like that
You know?
(Makes a drum like noise)…
We do it like that,
so bad, uh-uh, uh

As we move out to the inside,
it goes something like this…
Check it out

Sunshine, sunshine
Brightens up my day
Never go away
Sunshine, sunshine
Never go away

Some men like the Stella lager,
man like me like the Moet champer
Champer that's straight out the cooler,
with strawberries never after
Down to the dance floor to get hyper,
spell H-Y-….P-E to the R
DJ can u drop the funk,
Drop the base,
Get me hyper

When you're around me,
you cant do no wrong
Everyway is the right way,
cos your love is so strong
And when I need you your always be there,
to let me know you love me and how much you care

Sunshine, sunshine
Brightens up my day
Never go away
Sunshine, sunshine
Never go away

Mirror lyrics:

Never go away
Sunshine, sunshine
Never go away
Brightens up my day
Sunshine, sunshine

to let me know you love me and how much you care
And when I need you your always be there,
cos your love is so strong
Everyway is the right way,
you cant do no wrong
When you're around me,

Get me hyper
Drop the base,
DJ can u drop the funk,
spell H-Y-….P-E to the R
Down to the dance floor to get hyper,
with strawberries never after
Champer that's straight out the cooler,
man like me like the Moet champer
Some men like the Stella lager,

Never go away
Sunshine, sunshine
Never go away
Brightens up my day
Sunshine, sunshine

Check it out
it goes something like this…
As we move out to the inside,

so bad, uh-uh, uh
We do it like that,
(Makes a drum like noise)…
You know?
I like it when the snare comes in like that

Relevant Tags:
SSunshine [[uk GGarage RRemix] unshine uk arage emix] uSnshine u[k aGrage eRmix] zunshine [uuk harage demix] zSunshine [k hGarage dRemix]
Szunshine [ku Gharage Rdemix] wunshine [hk yarage 4emix] wSunshine [huk yGarage 4Remix] Swunshine [uhk Gyarage R4emix] dunshine [7k barage gemix]
dSunshine [7uk bGarage gRemix] Sdunshine [u7k Gbarage Rgemix] eunshine [kk varage temix] eSunshine [kuk vGarage tRemix] Seunshine [ukk Gvarage Rtemix]
xunshine [ik farage 5emix] xSunshine [iuk fGarage 5Remix] Sxunshine [uik Gfarage R5emix] aunshine [8k tarage femix] aSunshine [8uk tGarage fRemix]
Saunshine [u8k Gtarage Rfemix] Suunshine [jk Gaarage eemix] Snshine [juk Grage eRemix] Snushine [ujk Graage Reemix] Shnshine [yk Gzrage
Shunshine [yuk Gzarage Rmix] Suhnshine [uyk Gazrage Rmeix] S7nshine Gqrage Rsmix] S7unshine [u Gqarage Rsemix] Su7nshine [uk Gaqrage Resmix]
Sknshine [ul Gsrage R3mix] Skunshine [ulk Gsarage R3emix] Suknshine [ukl Gasrage Re3mix] Sinshine [uo Gwrage Rfmix] Siunshine [uok Gwarage
Suinshine [uko Gawrage Refmix] S8nshine [um Gxrage Rrmix] S8unshine [umk Gxarage Rremix] Su8nshine [ukm Gaxrage Rermix] Sjnshine [uj Garrage R4mix]
Sjunshine Gaage Sujnshine [ukj Gaarge Re4mix] Synshine [ui Gadage Rdmix] Syunshine Gadrage Suynshine [uki Gardage Redmix]
Sunnshine Ga4age Rwmix] Sushine Ga4rage Rwemix] Susnhine Gar4age Rewmix] Sumshine Gagage Remmix] Sumnshine Gagrage Reix]
Sunmshine Gargage Reimx] Suhshine Gatage Rejix] Gatrage Rejmix] Sunhshine Gartage Remjix] Sujshine Ga5age Rekix]
Ga5rage Rekmix] Sunjshine Gar5age Remkix] Subshine Gafage Renix] Subnshine Gafrage Renmix] Sunbshine Garfage Remnix]
Sunsshine Gaeage Remiix] Sunhine Gaerage Remx] Sunhsine Gareage Remxi] Sunzhine Garaage Remjx] Sunzshine Garge
Sunszhine Gargae Remijx] Sunwhine Garzge Rem9x] Sunwshine Garzage Rem9ix] Sunswhine Garazge Remi9x] Sundhine Garqge Remlx]
Sundshine Garqage Remlix] Sunsdhine Garaqge Remilx] Sunehine Garsge Remox] Suneshine Garsage Remoix] Sunsehine Garasge Remiox]
Sunxhine Garwge Remkx] Sunxshine Garwage Sunsxhine Garawge Remikx] Sunahine Garxge Rem8x] Sunashine Garxage Rem8ix]

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