Cradle Of Filth
No Time To Cry

No Time to Cry

It's just a feeling
I get sometimes
A feeling
And I get frightened
Just like you
I get frightened too
but it's...


(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Sometimes in the world as is you've
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
It's just like Adam says
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like always coming down on
Just like Jesus never came and
What did you expect to find
It's just like always here again it's...


Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep
No time for tears
No time to run and hide
No time to be afraid of fear
I keep no time to cry


Mirror lyrics:


I keep no time to cry
No time to be afraid of fear
No time to run and hide
No time for tears
And I keep
And the voices pass with time
Some nights I still can't sleep
Everything will turn out fine
Everything will be alright


It's just like always here again it's...
What did you expect to find
Just like Jesus never came and
It's just like always coming down on
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like Adam says
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
Sometimes in the world as is you've

(no no no) No time to cry
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for heartache


but it's...
I get frightened too
Just like you
And I get frightened
A feeling
I get sometimes
It's just a feeling

No Time to Cry

Relevant Tags:
NNo TTime TTo CCry o ime o ry oN iTme oT rCy mo fime fo fry mNo fTime fTo fCry Nmo Tfime Tfo Cfry ho 5ime 5o xry hNo 5Time 5To xCry
Nho T5ime T5o Cxry jo hime ho vry jNo hTime hTo vCry Njo Thime Tho Cvry bo yime yo dry bNo yTime yTo dCry Nbo Tyime Tyo Cdry Noo 6ime 6o Crry
N 6Time 6To Cy No T6ime T6o Cyr Nk gime go Cdy Nko gTime gTo Nok Tgime Tgo Crdy N9 rime ro C4y N9o rTime rTo C4ry No9 Trime Tro Cr4y
N0 Tiime Too Cgy N0o Tme T Cgry No0 Tmie To Crgy Nl Tjme Tk Cty Nlo Tjime Tko Ctry Nol Tijme Tok Crty Ni T9me T9 C5y Nio T9ime T9o C5ry
Noi Ti9me To9 Cr5y Tlme T0 Cfy Tlime T0o Tilme To0 Crfy Tome Tl Cey Toime Tlo Cery Tiome Tol Crey Tkme Ti Cryy
Tkime Tio Cr

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