Dance The Night Away

Goner build myself a castle
High up in the clouds.
There'll be skies outside my window,
Lose these streets and crowds.

Dance the night away.

Will find myself an ocean,
Sail into the blue.
Live with golden swordfish,
Forget the time of you.

Dance the night away.

Dance myself to nothing,
Vanish from this place.
Gonna turn myself to shadow
So I can't see your face.

Dance the night away.

Mirror lyrics:

Dance the night away.

So I can't see your face.
Gonna turn myself to shadow
Vanish from this place.
Dance myself to nothing,

Dance the night away.

Forget the time of you.
Live with golden swordfish,
Sail into the blue.
Will find myself an ocean,

Dance the night away.

Lose these streets and crowds.
There'll be skies outside my window,
High up in the clouds.
Goner build myself a castle

Relevant Tags:
DDance TThe NNight AAway ance he ight way aDnce hTe iNght wAay xance fhe might zway xDance fThe mNight zAway Dxance Tfhe Nmight Azway
eance 5he hight qway eDance 5The hNight qAway Deance T5he Nhight Aqway fance hhe jight sway fDance hThe jNight sAway Dfance Thhe Njight Asway
rance yhe bight wway rDance yThe bNight wAway Drance Tyhe Nbight Awway cance 6he Niight xway cDance 6The Nght xAway Dcance T6he Ngiht Axway
sance ghe Njght sDance gThe Aay Dsance Tghe Nijght Aawy Daance rhe N9ght Aaay Dnce rThe N9ight Aaway Dnace Trhe Ni9ght Awaay
Dznce Nlght A3ay Dzance Te Nlight A3way Daznce Teh Nilght Aw3ay Dqnce Tje Noght Aday Dqance Tjhe Noight Adway Daqnce Thje Nioght Awday
Dsnce Tue Nkght Aeay Tuhe Nkight Aeway Dasnce Thue Nikght Aweay Dwnce Tne N8ght Asay Dwance Tnhe N8ight Dawnce Thne Ni8ght Awsay
Dxnce Tbe Nught A2ay Tbhe Nuight A2way Daxnce Thbe Niught Aw2ay Dannce Tge Nigght Aqay Dace Niht Dacne Thge Nihgt Awqay
Damce Tye Nihht Damnce Nihght Awy Danmce Thye Nighht Awya Dahce Thee Niyht Awzy Dahnce Th Niyght Awzay Danhce The Nigyht Awazy
Dajce Ths Nibht Awqy

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