Addison's Walk

I've never been so lonely
In this deserted trail
Even though you hold my hand
Your hand is so cold and frail
Gentle breath and tenderness
Come words that you once told me
Somehow those words that you say
They make me much less lonely

crashes the cold of the night and roses all wither away
The night and the flower cannot overpower the words that I want you to say
You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side
Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm

I heard those words a thousand times before
And I've said them a thousand more
But hearing those words, believing those words
Was a thing I never did explore
See, I just wanted to be a better son, a better friend, a better man, a better whatever
So the next time I walk this path again I'll walk it with a true friend

You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side
Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm
You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side
Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm
You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side
Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm
Keep you safe from harm...
Keep you safe from harm...
Father in the sky, he loves you more than I

I'd rather be with you than without
Within you than about you
And I come to find out you want the same
Oh lord I want to breath you
May my every movement free you
From the place I've kept you locked up all these days

I'd rather be with you than without
Within you than about you
And I come to find out you want the same
Oh lord I want to breath you
May my every movement free you
From the place I've kept you locked up all these days

I'd rather be with you than without
Within you than about you
And I come to find out you want the same
Oh lord I want to breath you
May my every movement free you
From the place I've kept you locked up all these days

Mirror lyrics:

From the place I've kept you locked up all these days
May my every movement free you
Oh lord I want to breath you
And I come to find out you want the same
Within you than about you
I'd rather be with you than without

From the place I've kept you locked up all these days
May my every movement free you
Oh lord I want to breath you
And I come to find out you want the same
Within you than about you
I'd rather be with you than without

From the place I've kept you locked up all these days
May my every movement free you
Oh lord I want to breath you
And I come to find out you want the same
Within you than about you
I'd rather be with you than without

Father in the sky, he loves you more than I
Keep you safe from harm...
Keep you safe from harm...
Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm
You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side
Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm
You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side
Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm
You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side

So the next time I walk this path again I'll walk it with a true friend
See, I just wanted to be a better son, a better friend, a better man, a better whatever
Was a thing I never did explore
But hearing those words, believing those words
And I've said them a thousand more
I heard those words a thousand times before

Hold you in his arms, keep you safe from harm
You may slip and you may slide, but you got an angel by your side
The night and the flower cannot overpower the words that I want you to say
crashes the cold of the night and roses all wither away

They make me much less lonely
Somehow those words that you say
Come words that you once told me
Gentle breath and tenderness
Your hand is so cold and frail
Even though you hold my hand
In this deserted trail
I've never been so lonely

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