No Cure For The Cootees

You got the cooties I can tell by lookin' at you
You got the cooties Theres nothing you can do
Were gonna crawl all over you and get inside your brain
Will take control of you
and drive you insane
You can't get rid of us cause theres no cure for us

Mirror lyrics:

You can't get rid of us cause theres no cure for us
and drive you insane
Will take control of you
Were gonna crawl all over you and get inside your brain
You got the cooties Theres nothing you can do
You got the cooties I can tell by lookin' at you

Relevant Tags:
NNo CCure FFor TThe CCootees o ure or he ootees oN uCre oFr hTe oCotees mo fure cor fhe footees mNo fCure cFor fThe fCootees Nmo Cfure Fcor Tfhe Cfootees
ho xure ror 5he xootees hNo xCure rFor 5The xCootees Nho Cxure Fror T5he Cxootees jo vure gor hhe vootees jNo vCure gFor hThe vCootees Njo Cvure Fgor Thhe Cvootees
bo dure tor yhe dootees bNo dCure tFor yThe dCootees Nbo Cdure Ftor Tyhe Cdootees Noo Cuure vor 6he Coootees N Cre vFor 6The Cotees No Crue Fvor T6he Cootees
Nk Chre dor ghe Ckotees Nko Chure dFor gThe Ckootees Nok Cuhre Fdor Tghe Cokotees N9 C7re Foor rhe C9otees N9o C7ure Fr rThe C9ootees No9 Cu7re Fro Trhe Co9otees
N0 Ckre Fkr C0otees N0o Ckure Fkor Te C0ootees No0 Cukre Fokr Teh Co0otees Nl Cire F9r Tje Clotees Nlo Ciure F9or Tjhe Clootees Nol Cuire Fo9r Thje Colotees
Ni C8re F0r Tue Ciotees Nio C8ure F0or Tuhe Ciootees Noi Cu8re Fo0r Thue Coiotees Cjre Flr Tne Cjure Flor Tnhe Cujre Folr Thne Cotoees
Cyre Fir Tbe Coktees Cyure Fior Tbhe Cuyre Foir Thbe Cooktees Curre Forr Tge Co9tees Cue Fo Cuer For Thge Coo9tees
Cude Fod Tye Co0tees Cudre Fodr Curde Ford Thye Coo0tees Cu4e Fo4 Thee Coltees Cu4re Fo4r Th Cur4e For4 The Cooltees
Cuge Fog Ths Coitees Cugre Fogr Thse Curge Forg Thes Cooitees Cute Fot Th3 Coottees Cutre Fotr Th3e Cooees Curte Fort The3 Cooetes
Cu5e Fo5 Thf Coofees Cu5re Fo5r Thfe Cooftees Cur5e For5 Thef Cootfees Cufe Fof Thr Coo5ees Cufre Fofr Thre Coo5tees Curfe Forf Ther Coot5ees

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