Not So Pretty

You're not so perfect
That I've lost my mind
I like being together
But without you I'll be fine

No one here
is tied down
No one here's alone
You're not so pretty
That I can't think straight when you're around
I know I'm feeling lousy
Cause I thought I'd grown up by now



Mirror lyrics:



Cause I thought I'd grown up by now
I know I'm feeling lousy
That I can't think straight when you're around
You're not so pretty
No one here's alone
is tied down
No one here

But without you I'll be fine
I like being together
That I've lost my mind
You're not so perfect

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NNot SSo PPretty ot o retty oNt oS rPetty mot zo 0retty mNot zSo 0Pretty Nmot Szo P0retty hot wo lretty hNot wSo lPretty Nhot Swo Plretty
jot do oretty jNot dSo oPretty Njot Sdo Poretty bot eo Prretty bNot eSo Petty Nbot Seo Pertty Noot xo Pdetty Nt xSo Pdretty Nto Sxo Prdetty
Nkt ao P4etty Nkot aSo P4retty Nokt Sao Pr4etty N9t Soo Pgetty N9ot S Pgretty No9t So Prgetty N0t Sk Ptetty N0ot Sko Ptretty No0t Sok Prtetty
Nlt S9 P5etty Nlot S9o P5retty Nolt So9 Pr5etty Nit S0 Pfetty Niot S0o Pfretty Noit So0 Prfetty Nott Sl Peetty No Slo Peretty Not Sol Preetty
Nof Si Noft Sio Prtty Notf Soi Prtety No5 Prstty No5t Prsetty Not5 Prestty Noh Pr3tty Noht Pr3etty Noth Pre3tty
Noy Prftty Noyt Noty Preftty No6 Prrtty No6t Not6 Prertty Nog Pr4tty Nogt Notg Pre4tty
Nor Prdtty

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