Counting Crows
Blues Run The Game

Catch a boat to England baby
Maybe to Spain
Wherever I have gone
Wherever I've been and gone
Wherever I have gone
The blues run the game

Send out for whisky baby
Send out for gin
Me and room service honey
Me and room service mama
Me and room service, well
We're living a life of sin

When I ain't drinking baby
You are on my mind
When I ain't sleeping honey
When I ain't sleeping mama
When I ain't sleeping, well
You know you'll find me crying

Catch a boat to England baby
Maybe to Spain
Wherever I have gone
Wherever I've been and gone
Wherever I have gone
The blues run the game

Living is a gamble baby
Loving's much the same
Wherever i have played
Wherever i throw those dice
Wherever i have played
the blues they run the game

Maybe when I'm older baby
Somewhere down the line
I'll wake up older
So much older mama
I'll wake up older
And I'll just stop all my trying

So catch a boat to England baby
Maybe to Spain
Wherever I have gone
Wherever I've been and gone
Wherever I have gone
The blues are all the same

Mirror lyrics:

The blues are all the same
Wherever I have gone
Wherever I've been and gone
Wherever I have gone
Maybe to Spain
So catch a boat to England baby

And I'll just stop all my trying
I'll wake up older
So much older mama
I'll wake up older
Somewhere down the line
Maybe when I'm older baby

the blues they run the game
Wherever i have played
Wherever i throw those dice
Wherever i have played
Loving's much the same
Living is a gamble baby

The blues run the game
Wherever I have gone
Wherever I've been and gone
Wherever I have gone
Maybe to Spain
Catch a boat to England baby

You know you'll find me crying
When I ain't sleeping, well
When I ain't sleeping mama
When I ain't sleeping honey
You are on my mind
When I ain't drinking baby

We're living a life of sin
Me and room service, well
Me and room service mama
Me and room service honey
Send out for gin
Send out for whisky baby

The blues run the game
Wherever I have gone
Wherever I've been and gone
Wherever I have gone
Maybe to Spain
Catch a boat to England baby

Relevant Tags:
BBlues RRun TThe GGame lues un he ame lBues uRn hTe aGme vlues dun fhe hame vBlues dRun fThe hGame Bvlues Rdun Tfhe Ghame
glues 4un 5he yame gBlues 4Run 5The yGame Bglues R4un T5he Gyame nlues gun hhe bame nBlues gRun hThe bGame Bnlues Rgun Thhe Gbame
hlues tun yhe vame hBlues tRun yThe vGame Bhlues Rtun Tyhe Gvame Bllues 5un 6he fame Bues 5Run 6The fGame Bules R5un T6he Gfame
Bkues fun ghe tame Bklues fRun gThe tGame Blkues Rfun Tghe Gtame Boues eun rhe Gaame Bolues eRun rThe Gme Bloues Reun Trhe Gmae
Bpues Ruun Gzme Bplues Rn Te Gzame Blpues Rnu Teh Gazme Bluues Rhn Tje Gqme Bles Rhun Tjhe Gqame Bleus Ruhn Thje Gaqme
Blhes R7n Tue Gsme Blhues R7un Tuhe Gsame Bluhes Ru7n Thue Gasme Bl7es Rkn Tne Gwme Bl7ues Rkun Tnhe Gwame Blu7es Rukn Thne Gawme
Blkes Rin Tbe Gxme Riun Tbhe Gxame Blukes Ruin Thbe Gaxme Blies R8n Tge Gamme Bliues R8un Gae Bluies Ru8n Thge Gaem
Bl8es Rjn Tye Gaje Bl8ues Rjun Gajme Blu8es Rujn Thye Gamje Bljes Ryn Thee Gake

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