Cory Morrow
Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way (and Pat Green)

It's the same old tune, fiddle and guitar,
Where do we take it from here?
Rhinestone suits and new shiny cars.
We've been the same way for years.
We need to change.

Somebody told me when I got to Nashville,
Son you finally got it made.
Old Hank made it here, we're all sure that you will.
But I don't think Hank done it this way.
I don't think Hank done it this way.
Aw look out.

Ten years down the road, making one night stands.
Speeding my young life away.

Tell me one more time just so I understand,
Are you sure Hank done it this way?
Did Ol' Hank really do it this way?

I've seen the world with a five piece band
Looking at the back side of me.

Singing my songs and one of his now and then
But I don't think Hank done 'em this way

No I don't think Hank done 'em this way

Mirror lyrics:

No I don't think Hank done 'em this way

But I don't think Hank done 'em this way
Singing my songs and one of his now and then

Looking at the back side of me.
I've seen the world with a five piece band

Did Ol' Hank really do it this way?
Are you sure Hank done it this way?
Tell me one more time just so I understand,

Speeding my young life away.
Ten years down the road, making one night stands.

Aw look out.
I don't think Hank done it this way.
But I don't think Hank done it this way.
Old Hank made it here, we're all sure that you will.
Son you finally got it made.
Somebody told me when I got to Nashville,

We need to change.
We've been the same way for years.
Rhinestone suits and new shiny cars.
Where do we take it from here?
It's the same old tune, fiddle and guitar,

Relevant Tags:
AAre YYou SSure HHank DDone IIt TThis WWay ((and PPat GGreen) re ou ure ank one t his ay and at reen)
rAe oYu uSre aHnk oDne tI hTis aWy a(nd aPt rGeen) zre gou zure jank xone jt fhis aay (aand 0at hreen)
zAre gYou zSure jHank xDone jIt fThis aWay (nd 0Pat hGreen) Azre Ygou Szure Hjank Dxone Ijt Tfhis Waay (nad P0at Ghreen)
qre hou wure uank eone 9t 5his 3ay (znd lat yreen) qAre hYou wSure uHank eDone 9It 5This 3Way (zand lPat yGreen)
Aqre Yhou Swure Huank Deone I9t T5his W3ay (aznd Plat Gyreen) sre 6ou dure nank fone lt hhis day (qnd oat breen)
sAre 6You dSure nHank fDone lIt hThis dWay (qand oPat bGreen) Asre Y6ou Sdure Hnank Dfone Ilt Thhis Wday (aqnd Poat Gbreen)
wre uou eure bank rone ot yhis eay (snd Paat vreen) wAre uYou eSure bHank rDone oIt yThis eWay (sand Pt vGreen)
Awre Yuou Seure Hbank Drone Iot Tyhis Weay (asnd Pta Gvreen) xre 7ou xure gank cone kt 6his say (wnd Pzt freen)
xAre 7You xSure gHank cDone kIt 6This sWay (wand Pzat fGreen) Axre Y7ou Sxure Hgank Dcone Ikt T6his Wsay (awnd Pazt Gfreen)
Arre jou aure yank sone 8t ghis 2ay (xnd Pqt treen) Ae jYou aSure yHank sDone 8It gThis 2Way (xand Pqat tGreen)
Aer Yjou Saure Hyank Dsone I8t Tghis W2ay (axnd Paqt Gtreen) Ade tou Suure Haank Doone ut rhis qay (annd Pst Grreen)
Adre tYou Sre Hnk Dne uIt rThis qWay (ad Psat Geen) Arde Ytou Srue Hnak Dnoe Iut Trhis Wqay (adn Past Geren)
A4e Yoou Shre Hznk Dkne Itt (amd Pwt Gdeen) A4re Yu Shure Hzank Dkone I Tis Wy (amnd Pwat Gdreen)
Ar4e Yuo Suhre Haznk Dokne It Tihs Wya (anmd Pawt Grdeen) Age Yku S7re Hqnk D9ne If Tjis Wzy (ahd Pxt G4een)
Agre Ykou S7ure Hqank D9one Ift Tjhis Wzay (ahnd Pxat G4reen) Arge Yoku Su7re Haqnk Do9ne Itf Thjis Wazy (anhd Paxt Gr4een)
Ate Y9u Skre Hsnk D0ne I5 Tuis Wqy (ajd Patt Ggeen) Atre Y9ou Skure Hsank D0one I5t Tuhis (ajnd Pa Ggreen)
Arte Yo9u Sukre Hasnk Do0ne It5 Thuis Waqy (anjd Pat Grgeen) A5e Y0u Sire Hwnk Dlne Ih Tnis Wsy (abd Paf Gteen)
A5re Y0ou Siure Hwank Dlone Iht Tnhis (abnd Paft Ar5e Yo0u Suire Hawnk Dolne Ith Thnis Wasy (anbd Patf Grteen)
Afe Ylu S8re Hxnk Dine Iy Tbis Wwy (andd Pa5 G5een) Afre Ylou S8ure Hxank Dione Iyt Tbhis Wway (an Pa5t G5reen)
Arfe Yolu Su8re Haxnk Doine Ity Thbis Wawy (and Pat5 Gr5een) Aee Yiu Sjre Hannk Donne I6 Tgis Wxy (anx Pah Gfeen)
Aere Yiou Sjure Hak Doe I6t Wxay (anxd Paht Aree Yoiu Sujre Hakn Doen It6 Thgis Waxy (andx Path Grfeen)
Youu Syre Hamk Dome Ig Tyis Wayy (ane Pay Geeen) Ar Yo Syure Hamnk Domne Igt Wa (aned Payt Gereen)
Are You Suyre Hanmk Donme Itg Thyis Way (ande Paty Greeen) Ars Yoh Surre Hahk Dohe Ir Thiis Wag (anf Pa6
Arse Yohu Sue Hahnk Dohne Irt Ths Wagy (anfd Pa6t Gren)

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