All The Voices

I don't want to let them know
How I turned out the weakest one
Hey you, why can't you see what I see (It's dark, it's cold, pitch black)
Hey you, why can't you hear what I hear (No words, still lies, so strange)
Hey you, why can't you feel what I feel (Just pain, so real, so grim)
Hey you, you must've been talking to me
I just need to see, I just need to hear

All the voices in my head
They're convincing me I'm right
All the voices in my head
I can never let them down
They will never leave me, and I will never leave them
All the voices in my head

So you just can't seem to understand (What I see, what I hear, what I feel)
And you can never grasp what I am (I am you, I am me, everyone)
So you just need to move along (You're gone, move on, bye bye)
I know you must have been talking to me
I just need you to see, I just need you to hear

All the voices in my head
They're convincing me I'm right
All the voices in my head
I can never let them down
They will never leave me, and I will never leave them
All the voices in my head

All the voices in my head
They're convincing me I'm right

Got to hear all the voices in my head
They're convincing me I'm right
Got to talk to all the voices in my head
I can never let them down
They will never leave me, and I will never leave them
All the voices in my head

Mirror lyrics:

All the voices in my head
They will never leave me, and I will never leave them
I can never let them down
Got to talk to all the voices in my head
They're convincing me I'm right
Got to hear all the voices in my head

They're convincing me I'm right
All the voices in my head

All the voices in my head
They will never leave me, and I will never leave them
I can never let them down
All the voices in my head
They're convincing me I'm right
All the voices in my head

I just need you to see, I just need you to hear
I know you must have been talking to me
So you just need to move along (You're gone, move on, bye bye)
And you can never grasp what I am (I am you, I am me, everyone)
So you just can't seem to understand (What I see, what I hear, what I feel)

All the voices in my head
They will never leave me, and I will never leave them
I can never let them down
All the voices in my head
They're convincing me I'm right
All the voices in my head

I just need to see, I just need to hear
Hey you, you must've been talking to me
Hey you, why can't you feel what I feel (Just pain, so real, so grim)
Hey you, why can't you hear what I hear (No words, still lies, so strange)
Hey you, why can't you see what I see (It's dark, it's cold, pitch black)
How I turned out the weakest one
I don't want to let them know

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe VVoices ll he oices lAl hTe oVices zll fhe boices zAll fThe bVoices Azll Tfhe Vboices qll 5he coices qAll 5The cVoices
Aqll T5he Vcoices sll hhe goices sAll hThe gVoices Asll Thhe Vgoices wll yhe foices wAll yThe fVoices Awll Tyhe Vfoices xll 6he Vooices
xAll 6The Vices Axll T6he Vioces Alll ghe Vkices Al gThe Vkoices All Tghe Vokices Akl rhe V9ices Akll rThe V9oices Alkl Trhe Vo9ices
Aol V0ices Aoll Te V0oices Alol Teh Vo0ices Apl Tje Vlices Apll Tjhe Vloices Alpl Thje Volices Tue Viices Tuhe Vioices
Thue Voiices Alk Tne Tnhe Voces Allk Thne Vocies Alo Tbe Vojces Tbhe Vojices Allo Thbe Voijces Alp Tge Vo9ces
Allp Thge Voi9ces Tye Volces Thye Voilces Thee Vooces Th The Voioces Ths Vokces Thse
Thes Voikces Th3 Vo8ces Th3e Vo8ices

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