Shadow Of A Lost Dream (4 31)

I don't know what's going on
I don't know what's happend to you
Yesterday we were one
Now, I don't even know your name
Standing in front of a wall
Hitting it with my fists
But you can't hear
'Cos we're so far apart
I'd like to understand
What's going on deep in your mind

Why you've destroyed the spell
And how you can be so cool 'bout that
I see you smile it's like a punch in my face
Can't you feel my bleeding heart
Is that you who's standing next to me
Or just a shadow, of a dream I lost

Mirror lyrics:

Or just a shadow, of a dream I lost
Is that you who's standing next to me
Can't you feel my bleeding heart
I see you smile it's like a punch in my face
And how you can be so cool 'bout that
Why you've destroyed the spell

What's going on deep in your mind
I'd like to understand
'Cos we're so far apart
But you can't hear
Hitting it with my fists
Standing in front of a wall
Now, I don't even know your name
Yesterday we were one
I don't know what's happend to you
I don't know what's going on

Relevant Tags:
SShadow OOf AA LLost DDream ((4 331) hadow f ost ream 4 1) hSadow fO A oLst rDeam 4( 13) zhadow kf z kost xream (44 41) zShadow kOf zA kLost xDream ( 431)
Szhadow Okf Az Lkost Dxream (4 341) whadow 9f q oost eream (5 w1) wShadow 9Of qA oLost eDream (54 w31) Swhadow O9f Aq Loost Deream (45 3w1) dhadow 0f s post fream (e e1)
dShadow 0Of sA pLost fDream (e4 e31) Sdhadow O0f As Lpost Dfream (4e 3e1) ehadow lf w rream (r 21) eShadow lOf wA Lst rDream (r4 231) Sehadow Olf Aw Lsot Drream (4r 321)
xhadow if x Lkst cream (3 311) xShadow iOf xA cDream (34 3) Sxhadow Oif Ax Lokst Dcream (43 3)1 ahadow Off L9st sream 32) aShadow O L9ost sDream
Sahadow Of Lo9st Dsream 312) Shhadow Oc L0st 3q) Sadow Ocf L0ost Deam 3q1) Sahdow Ofc Lo0st Deram 31q) Sjadow Or Llst Ddeam 31))
Sjhadow Orf Llost Ddream 31 Shjadow Ofr Lolst Drdeam 31) Suadow Og List D4eam Suhadow Ogf Liost D4ream Shuadow Ofg Loist Dr4eam
Snadow Ot Losst Dgeam Snhadow Otf Lot Dgream Shnadow Oft Lots Drgeam Sbadow Ov Lozt Dteam Sbhadow Ovf Lozst Dtream
Shbadow Ofv Loszt Drteam Sgadow Od Lowt D5eam Sghadow Odf Lowst D5ream Shgadow Ofd Loswt Dr5eam Syadow Lodt Dfeam
Syhadow Lodst Shyadow Losdt Drfeam Shaadow Loet Deeam Shdow Loest Shdaow Loset Dreeam
Shzdow Loxt Shzadow Loxst Dram Shazdow Losxt Draem Shqdow Loat Drsam Shqadow Loast Drseam
Shaqdow Losat Dresam Shsdow Lostt Dr3am Shsadow Los Dr3eam Shasdow Lost Dre3am Shwdow Losf Drfam
Shwadow Losft Shawdow Lostf Drefam Shxdow Los5 Drram Shxadow Los5t Shaxdow Lost5 Dreram
Shaddow Losh Dr4am

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