Counting Crows
I Wanna Be Sedated

(Original by Badfinger )

Guess I got what I deserve,
Kept you waiting there, too long my love
All that time, without a word,
Didn't know you'd think, that I'd forget, or I'd regret
The special love I have for you, my baby blue
All the days became so long,
Did you really think, I'd do you wrong
Dixie, when I let you go,
Thought you'd realize, that I would know, I would show
The special love I have for you, my baby blue
What can I do, what can I say
except that I want you by my side
How can I show, you, show me a way
Don't you know, the times I tried (solo)
Guess that's all I have to say,
Except the feeling just gets stronger everyday
Just one thing, before I go
Take good care, baby, let me know, let it grow
The special love, you have for me, my Dixie dear

Mirror lyrics:

The special love, you have for me, my Dixie dear
Take good care, baby, let me know, let it grow
Just one thing, before I go
Except the feeling just gets stronger everyday
Guess that's all I have to say,
Don't you know, the times I tried (solo)
How can I show, you, show me a way
except that I want you by my side
What can I do, what can I say
The special love I have for you, my baby blue
Thought you'd realize, that I would know, I would show
Dixie, when I let you go,
Did you really think, I'd do you wrong
All the days became so long,
The special love I have for you, my baby blue
Didn't know you'd think, that I'd forget, or I'd regret
All that time, without a word,
Kept you waiting there, too long my love
Guess I got what I deserve,

(Original by Badfinger )

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna BBe SSedated anna e edated I aWnna eB eSdated j aanna ve zedated jI aWanna vBe zSedated Ij Waanna Bve Szedated
9 3anna ge wedated 9I 3Wanna gBe wSedated I9 W3anna Bge Swedated l danna ne dedated lI dWanna nBe dSedated Il Wdanna Bne Sdedated
o eanna he eedated oI eWanna hBe eSedated Io Weanna Bhe Seedated k sanna Bee xedated kI sWanna B xSedated Ik Wsanna Be Sxedated
8 2anna Bs aedated 8I 2Wanna Bse aSedated I8 W2anna Bes Saedated u qanna B3 uI qWanna B3e Sdated Iu Wqanna Be3 Sdeated
Bf Ssdated Wnna Bfe Ssedated Wnana Bef Sesdated Wznna Br S3dated Wzanna Bre S3edated Waznna Ber Se3dated
Wqnna B4 Sfdated B4e Sfedated Waqnna Be4 Sefdated Wsnna Bd Srdated Bde Sredated Wasnna Bed Serdated
Wwnna Bw S4dated Wwanna Bwe S4edated Wawnna Bew Se4dated Wxnna Sddated Wxanna Waxnna Seddated
Wannna Swdated Wana Wanna Sewdated Wamna Wamnna Seated Wanmna Seadted
Wahna Sexated Wahnna Sexdated Wanhna Sedxated Wajna Seeated Wajnna Wanjna Sedeated
Wabna Sefated Wabnna Wanbna Sedfated Serated Wanan Sedrated Wanma Secated
Secdated Wannma Sedcated Wanha Sesated Wannha Sedsated Wanja Sedaated Sedted

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