Cloud Cult
The Ghost Inside Our House

we saw a ghost inside our house
or was it wishful thinking
oh god, don't leave us by ourselves
or we're bound to take up drinking

please send us a miracle
so i know that there is meaning
except i think that it's a miracle
just to be breathing

so live on
baby live on
live on
baby live on

packed up my clothes
in a grocery bag
I'm going to find the creator

an old man in the clouds
or a happy little alien
whoever it is
i need to thank her

and even though i don't know god
I'm happy with the mystery
and I'm certain that i feel it
every time that you sing to me

in songs
life is like a song
it's a song
a humble song

i watched you sleeping until five am
cause i want to be part of your dreaming
oh love, don't leave me by myself
or I'm bound to lose my meaning

we'll start a little family
and call it our religion
hunt for ghosts inside our house
because we'll never give up wishing

that we live on
baby live on
in our song
a humble song

Mirror lyrics:

a humble song
in our song
baby live on
that we live on

because we'll never give up wishing
hunt for ghosts inside our house
and call it our religion
we'll start a little family

or I'm bound to lose my meaning
oh love, don't leave me by myself
cause i want to be part of your dreaming
i watched you sleeping until five am

a humble song
it's a song
life is like a song
in songs

every time that you sing to me
and I'm certain that i feel it
I'm happy with the mystery
and even though i don't know god

i need to thank her
whoever it is
or a happy little alien
an old man in the clouds

I'm going to find the creator
in a grocery bag
packed up my clothes

baby live on
live on
baby live on
so live on

just to be breathing
except i think that it's a miracle
so i know that there is meaning
please send us a miracle

or we're bound to take up drinking
oh god, don't leave us by ourselves
or was it wishful thinking
we saw a ghost inside our house

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGhost IInside OOur HHouse he host nside ur ouse hTe hGost nIside uOr oHuse fhe hhost jnside kur jouse fThe hGhost jInside kOur jHouse
Tfhe Ghhost Ijnside Okur Hjouse 5he yhost 9nside 9ur uouse 5The yGhost 9Inside 9Our uHouse T5he Gyhost I9nside O9ur Huouse hhe bhost lnside 0ur nouse
hThe bGhost lInside 0Our nHouse Thhe Gbhost Ilnside O0ur Hnouse yhe vhost onside lur bouse yThe vGhost oInside lOur bHouse Tyhe Gvhost Ionside Olur Hbouse
6he fhost knside iur gouse 6The fGhost kInside iOur gHouse T6he Gfhost Iknside Oiur Hgouse ghe thost 8nside Ouur youse gThe tGhost 8Inside Or yHouse
Tghe Gthost I8nside Oru Hyouse rhe unside Ohr Hoouse rThe Gost uInside Ohur Huse Trhe Gohst Iunside Ouhr Huose Gjost Innside O7r Hkuse
Te Gjhost Iside O7ur Hkouse Teh Ghjost Isnide Ou7r Hokuse Tje Guost Imside Okr H9use Tjhe Guhost Imnside H9ouse Thje Ghuost Inmside Oukr Ho9use
Tue Gnost Ihside Oir H0use Tuhe Gnhost Ihnside H0ouse Thue Ghnost Inhside Ouir Ho0use Tne Gbost Ijside O8r Hluse Tnhe O8ur Hlouse
Thne Ghbost Injside Ou8r Holuse Tbe Ggost Ibside Ojr Hiuse Tbhe Gghost Ibnside Ojur Hiouse Thbe Ghgost Inbside Oujr Hoiuse Tge Gyost Insside Oyr Houuse
Inide Oyur Hose Thge Ghyost Inisde Ouyr Hosue Tye Ghoost Inzide Ourr Hohse Ghst Inzside Ou Hohuse Thye Ghsot Inszide Our Houhse
Thee Ghkst Inwide Oud Ho7se Th Ghkost Inwside Oudr Ho7use The Ghokst Inswide Ourd Hou7se Ths Gh9st Indide Ou4 Hokse Thse Gh9ost Indside Ou4r
Thes Gho9st Insdide Our4 Houkse Th3 Gh0st Ineide Oug Hoise Th3e Gh0ost Ineside Ougr The3 Gho0st Inseide Ourg Houise Thf Ghlst Inxide Out Ho8se
Thfe Ghlost Inxside Outr Ho8use Thef Gholst Insxide Ourt Hou8se Thr Ghist Inaide Ou5 Hojse Thre Ghiost Inaside Ou5r Hojuse Ther Ghoist Insaide Our5 Houjse
Th4 Ghosst Insiide Ouf Hoyse Th4e Ghot Insde Oufr Hoyuse

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