Club 8
People Who Would Go For You

forget today and make a new start
[let us part from those who get lost]
we have to sell our clothes to make us look good
[let's part from those who we don't need]

some may stay and some will have to go
when you step in
all the light's on you
are we ok as we change into
people who will go for you

let's leave some space and make a new start
[the losers we knew, they are gone at last]
we need to make new friends to make us look good
[let's part from those who we don't need]

some may stay and some will have to go
when you step in
all the light's on you
are we ok as we change into
people who will go for you

and then a surprise
are we twentyeight?
closing in to the thirties
still young enough not to look back

Mirror lyrics:

still young enough not to look back
closing in to the thirties
are we twentyeight?
and then a surprise

people who will go for you
are we ok as we change into
all the light's on you
when you step in
some may stay and some will have to go

[let's part from those who we don't need]
we need to make new friends to make us look good
[the losers we knew, they are gone at last]
let's leave some space and make a new start

people who will go for you
are we ok as we change into
all the light's on you
when you step in
some may stay and some will have to go

[let's part from those who we don't need]
we have to sell our clothes to make us look good
[let us part from those who get lost]
forget today and make a new start

Relevant Tags:
PPeople WWho WWould GGo FFor YYou eople ho ould o or ou ePople hWo oWuld oG oFr oYu 0eople aho aould ho cor gou 0People aWho aWould hGo cFor gYou
P0eople Waho Waould Gho Fcor Ygou leople 3ho 3ould yo ror hou lPeople 3Who 3Would yGo rFor hYou Pleople W3ho W3ould Gyo Fror Yhou oeople dho dould bo gor 6ou
oPeople dWho dWould bGo gFor 6You Poeople Wdho Wdould Gbo Fgor Y6ou Peeople eho eould vo tor uou Pople eWho eWould vGo tFor uYou Poeple Weho Weould Gvo Ftor Yuou
Psople sho sould fo vor 7ou Pseople sWho sWould fGo vFor 7You Pesople Wsho Wsould Gfo Fvor Y7ou P3ople 2ho 2ould to dor jou P3eople 2Who 2Would tGo dFor jYou
Pe3ople W2ho W2ould Gto Fdor Yjou Pfople qho qould Goo Foor tou Pfeople qWho qWould G Fr tYou Pefople Wqho Wqould Go Fro Ytou Prople Whho Woould Gk Fkr Yoou
Preople Wo Wuld Gko Fkor Yu Perople Woh Wuold Gok Fokr Yuo P4ople Wjo Wkuld G9 F9r Yku P4eople Wjho Wkould G9o F9or Ykou Pe4ople Whjo Wokuld Go9 Fo9r Yoku
Pdople Wuo W9uld G0 F0r Y9u Pdeople Wuho W9ould G0o F0or Y9ou Pedople Whuo Wo9uld Go0 Fo0r Yo9u Pwople Wno W0uld Gl Flr Y0u Pweople Wnho W0ould Glo Flor Y0ou
Pewople Whno Wo0uld Gol Folr Yo0u Peoople Wbo Wluld Gi Fir Ylu Peple Wbho Wlould Gio Fior Ylou Pepole Whbo Woluld Goi Foir Yolu Pekple Wgo Wiuld Forr Yiu
Pekople Wgho Wiould Fo Yiou Peokple Whgo Woiuld For Yoiu Pe9ple Wyo Wouuld Fod Youu Pe9ople Wyho Wold Fodr Yo Peo9ple Whyo Wolud Ford You
Pe0ple Whoo Wohld Fo4 Yoh Pe0ople Wh Wohuld Fo4r Yohu Peo0ple Who Wouhld For4 Youh

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