Cowboy Junkies
Close My Eyes

I want to walk away
like Judas from the table.
Turn my back
and walk away.

I want to close my eyes
like that novice at the altar.
Bow my head
and close my eyes.

Sorrow took Love's splintered hands
and waltzed her 'cross a painted floor.
Whispered softly in her ear,
"let's get outta here".

I'm going to breathe the air
that my children will be breathing.
Breathe them out
and breathe them in again.

I'm going to close my eyes
And walk away.
Turn my back
bow my head
and close my eyes.

Mirror lyrics:

and close my eyes.
bow my head
Turn my back
And walk away.
I'm going to close my eyes

and breathe them in again.
Breathe them out
that my children will be breathing.
I'm going to breathe the air

"let's get outta here".
Whispered softly in her ear,
and waltzed her 'cross a painted floor.
Sorrow took Love's splintered hands

and close my eyes.
Bow my head
like that novice at the altar.
I want to close my eyes

and walk away.
Turn my back
like Judas from the table.
I want to walk away

Relevant Tags:
CClose MMy EEyes lose y yes lCose yM yEes flose jy syes fClose jMy sEyes Cflose Mjy Esyes xlose ky 3yes xClose kMy 3Eyes Cxlose Mky E3yes
vlose ny fyes vClose nMy fEyes Cvlose Mny Efyes dlose Myy ryes dClose M rEyes Cdlose My Eryes Cllose Mg 4yes Cose Mgy 4Eyes Colse Myg E4yes
Ckose Mh dyes Cklose Mhy dEyes Clkose Myh Edyes Coose M6 wyes Colose M6y wEyes Cloose My6 Ewyes Cpose Mu Eyyes Cplose Muy Ees Clpose Myu Eeys
M7 Eges Clse M7y Egyes Clsoe My7 Eyges Clkse Mj Ehes Ehyes Clokse Myj Eyhes Cl9se Mt E6es Cl9ose Mty E6yes Clo9se Myt Ey6es
Cl0se Eues Cl0ose Euyes Clo0se Eyues Cllse E7es E7yes Clolse Ey7es Clise Ejes Cliose Ejyes Cloise Eyjes

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