Rising Sun

my eyes grow darker
can barely see your face
yesterday I tried to belong
you know I won't stay that long

in a time of lust and liars
I learned to trust my own desires
touch me don't be ashamed
I just don't know how to play that game

in pride and grace we rise with the sun
with the morning light
we just run and run
the good old days that imaginary place
with the rising sun
we forget and we embrace

my eyes grow darker
guide me now
can barely see your face
just lead the way

my days grow longer
can barely find my trace
one more day I try to be strong
you know I won't last that long

for a time I feed the fires
I search and seek while time expires
hold me I'm so afraid
I just don't know how to keep this flame

in pride and grace we rise with the sun…

my eyes grow darker…

Mirror lyrics:

my eyes grow darker…

in pride and grace we rise with the sun…

I just don't know how to keep this flame
hold me I'm so afraid
I search and seek while time expires
for a time I feed the fires

you know I won't last that long
one more day I try to be strong
can barely find my trace
my days grow longer

just lead the way
can barely see your face
guide me now
my eyes grow darker

we forget and we embrace
with the rising sun
the good old days that imaginary place
we just run and run
with the morning light
in pride and grace we rise with the sun

I just don't know how to play that game
touch me don't be ashamed
I learned to trust my own desires
in a time of lust and liars

you know I won't stay that long
yesterday I tried to belong
can barely see your face
my eyes grow darker

Relevant Tags:
RRising SSun ising un iRsing uSn dising zun dRising zSun Rdising Szun 4ising wun 4Rising wSun R4ising Swun gising dun gRising dSun
Rgising Sdun tising eun tRising eSun Rtising Seun 5ising xun 5Rising xSun R5ising Sxun fising aun fRising aSun Rfising Saun eising Suun
eRising Sn Reising Snu Riising Shn Rsing Shun Rsiing Suhn Rjsing S7n Rjising S7un Rijsing Su7n R9sing Skn R9ising Skun Ri9sing Sukn
Rlsing Sin Rlising Siun Rilsing Suin Rosing S8n Roising S8un Riosing Su8n Rksing Sjn Rkising Sjun Riksing Sujn R8sing Syn R8ising Syun
Ri8sing Suyn Rusing Sunn Ruising Su Riusing Sun Rissing Sum Riing Sumn Riisng Sunm Rizing Suh Rizsing Riszing Sunh Riwing Suj
Riwsing Riswing Sunj Riding Sub Ridsing Subn Risding Sunb Rieing Riesing Riseing

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