Coven 13
Book Of Shadows

Sitting here by candle light
I listen to the wind
() whisper in my mind
and watch it all begin
Secret places never seen
Stories never told
One by ONe I write them down
Here within my book of shadows

Deep inside of the shadows
Dark and Light intertwine
NOw at last I can truely see
When your voice becomes mine

Sanctuary I have found
Within your silent song
Touching every part of me
ANd guiding me along
Melody and harmony
No I can't forget
Everything you shared with me
Written in my book of shadows

Deep inside of the shadows
Dark and light intertwined
Now at last I can truely see
When your voice becomes mine

Light is born from shadow
Shadow born from light
Seeking inspiration
Finding both day and night

Deep inside of the shadows
Dark and light intertwined
Now at last I can truely see
When your voice becomes mine

Mirror lyrics:

When your voice becomes mine
Now at last I can truely see
Dark and light intertwined
Deep inside of the shadows

Finding both day and night
Seeking inspiration
Shadow born from light
Light is born from shadow

When your voice becomes mine
Now at last I can truely see
Dark and light intertwined
Deep inside of the shadows

Written in my book of shadows
Everything you shared with me
No I can't forget
Melody and harmony
ANd guiding me along
Touching every part of me
Within your silent song
Sanctuary I have found

When your voice becomes mine
NOw at last I can truely see
Dark and Light intertwine
Deep inside of the shadows

Here within my book of shadows
One by ONe I write them down
Stories never told
Secret places never seen
and watch it all begin
() whisper in my mind
I listen to the wind
Sitting here by candle light

Relevant Tags:
BBook OOf SShadows ook f hadows oBok fO hSadows vook kf zhadows vBook kOf zShadows Bvook Okf Szhadows gook 9f whadows
gBook 9Of wShadows Bgook O9f Swhadows nook 0f dhadows nBook 0Of dShadows Bnook O0f Sdhadows hook lf ehadows hBook lOf eShadows
Bhook Olf Sehadows Boook if xhadows Bok iOf xShadows Book Oif Sxhadows Bkok Off ahadows Bkook O aShadows Bokok Of Sahadows
B9ok Oc Shhadows B9ook Ocf Sadows Bo9ok Ofc Sahdows B0ok Or Sjadows B0ook Orf Sjhadows Bo0ok Ofr Shjadows Blok Og Suadows
Blook Ogf Suhadows Bolok Ofg Shuadows Biok Ot Snadows Biook Otf Snhadows Boiok Oft Shnadows Ov Sbadows Ovf Sbhadows
Boko Ofv Shbadows Bokk Od Sgadows Odf Sghadows Bookk Ofd Shgadows Bo9k Syadows Syhadows Boo9k Shyadows
Bo0k Shaadows Shdows Boo0k Shdaows Bolk Shzdows Shzadows Boolk Shazdows Boik Shqdows
Shqadows Booik Shaqdows Shsdows Boo Shsadows Shasdows Bool Shwdows Shwadows
Bookl Shawdows Booo Shxdows Shxadows Booko Shaxdows Boom Shaddows Boomk Shaows Bookm Shaodws
Booj Shaxows Boojk Bookj Shadxows Booi Shaeows Shaedows Booki Shadeows

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