Court Yard Hounds
It Didn't Make A Sound

When I called, I heard you say, "Tell her I'm out."
And don't you know I'm smart enough to figure you out?
You said, "Come on we need to talk, let's go for a ride."
But you don't have to say a thing, I can read your mind

I hear the song on the radio playing loud
I might forever hear the words you thought would let me down

Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
It didn't make a sound

We sat up all night while you apologized
And I think you were surprised to see me smile

But all I heard was the sound of the freedom bells ringin'
And I bet you thought I would be breakin' down

Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
It didn't make a sound
It didn't make a sound

Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'

Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
It never made a sound
It didn't make a sound
It didn't make a sound
It never made a sound

Go ahead and leave me, darlin'
You won't ever see me cryin'
You'll never hear my heart breakin'
It didn't make a sound

It didn't make a sound
It never made a sound

Mirror lyrics:

It never made a sound
It didn't make a sound

It didn't make a sound
You'll never hear my heart breakin'
You won't ever see me cryin'
Go ahead and leave me, darlin'

It never made a sound
It didn't make a sound
It didn't make a sound
It never made a sound
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'

Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'

It didn't make a sound
It didn't make a sound
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'

And I bet you thought I would be breakin' down
But all I heard was the sound of the freedom bells ringin'

And I think you were surprised to see me smile
We sat up all night while you apologized

It didn't make a sound
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'
Hey, yeah, yeah, but my heart breakin'

I might forever hear the words you thought would let me down
I hear the song on the radio playing loud

But you don't have to say a thing, I can read your mind
You said, "Come on we need to talk, let's go for a ride."
And don't you know I'm smart enough to figure you out?
When I called, I heard you say, "Tell her I'm out."

Relevant Tags:
IIt DDidn't MMake AA SSound t idn't ake ound tI iDdn't aMke A oSund jt xidn't jake z zound jIt xDidn't jMake zA zSound Ijt Dxidn't Mjake Az Szound
9t eidn't kake q wound 9It eDidn't kMake qA wSound I9t Deidn't Mkake Aq Swound lt fidn't nake s dound lIt fDidn't nMake sA dSound Ilt Dfidn't Mnake As Sdound
ot ridn't Maake w eound oIt rDidn't Mke wA eSound Iot Dridn't Mkae Aw Seound kt cidn't Mzke x xound kIt cDidn't Mzake xA xSound Ikt Dcidn't Mazke Ax Sxound
8t sidn't Mqke aound 8It sDidn't Mqake aSound I8t Dsidn't Maqke Saound ut Diidn't Mske Soound uIt Ddn't Msake Sund Iut Ddin't Maske Suond
Itt Djdn't Mwke Skund I Djidn't Mwake Skound It Dijdn't Mawke Sokund If D9dn't Mxke S9und Ift D9idn't Mxake S9ound Itf Di9dn't Maxke So9und
I5 Dldn't Makke S0und I5t Dlidn't Mae S0ound It5 Dildn't Maek So0und Ih Dodn't Male Slund Iht Doidn't Malke Slound Ith Diodn't Makle Solund
Iy Dkdn't Maoe Siund Iyt Dkidn't Maoke Siound Ity Dikdn't Makoe Soiund I6 D8dn't Mame Souund I6t D8idn't Mamke Sond It6 Di8dn't Makme Sonud
Ig Dudn't Maje Sohnd Igt Duidn't Majke Sohund Itg Diudn't Makje Souhnd Ir Diddn't Maie So7nd Irt Din't Maike So7und Itr Dind't Makie Sou7nd
Dixn't Makee Soknd Dixdn't Mak Didxn't Make Souknd Dien't Maks Soind Diedn't Makse Diden't Makes Souind

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