Counting Crows
Up All Night (frankie Miller Goes To Hollywood)

Is everybody happy now
Is everybody clear
We could drive out to the dunes tonight
Because summer's almost here

I've been up all night
I might sleep all day
Get your dreams just right
Then let 'em slip away
I might sleep all day...

And when the roads are clear
You head on out of here
And if you're coming back
I'll see you in the morning
I'm just staring at
The ceiling staring back at me
Just waiting for daylight
To come crawling in on me

I've been up all night
I might sleep all day
Get your dreams just right
Then let 'em slip away
I might sleep all day...
It's too late to get high now
It's too late to get high now

Fix your hair just right
Put your jeans on tight
Or wear a dress so I can get it off real easy
I been thinking I'd like to see
Your eyes open up real wide
The minute that you see me
But if you don't come through
I wouldn't wait for you
I understand that everyone goes disappearing
Into the greater grey that covers over everyday
And hovers in the distance...

I've been up all night
I might sleep all day
Get your dreams just right
Then let 'em slip away
I might sleep all day...
It's too late to get high now

Mirror lyrics:

It's too late to get high now
I might sleep all day...
Then let 'em slip away
Get your dreams just right
I might sleep all day
I've been up all night

And hovers in the distance...
Into the greater grey that covers over everyday
I understand that everyone goes disappearing
I wouldn't wait for you
But if you don't come through
The minute that you see me
Your eyes open up real wide
I been thinking I'd like to see
Or wear a dress so I can get it off real easy
Put your jeans on tight
Fix your hair just right

It's too late to get high now
It's too late to get high now
I might sleep all day...
Then let 'em slip away
Get your dreams just right
I might sleep all day
I've been up all night

To come crawling in on me
Just waiting for daylight
The ceiling staring back at me
I'm just staring at
I'll see you in the morning
And if you're coming back
You head on out of here
And when the roads are clear

I might sleep all day...
Then let 'em slip away
Get your dreams just right
I might sleep all day
I've been up all night

Because summer's almost here
We could drive out to the dunes tonight
Is everybody clear
Is everybody happy now

Relevant Tags:
UUp AAll NNight ((frankie MMiller GGoes TTo HHollywood) p ll ight frankie iller oes o ollywood) pU lAl iNght f(rankie iMller oGes oT oHllywood)
hp zll might (ffrankie jiller hoes fo jollywood) hUp zAll mNight (rankie jMiller hGoes fTo jHollywood) Uhp Azll Nmight (rfankie Mjiller Ghoes Tfo Hjollywood)
7p qll hight (crankie killer yoes 5o uollywood) 7Up qAll hNight (cfrankie kMiller yGoes 5To uHollywood) U7p Aqll Nhight (fcrankie Mkiller Gyoes T5o Huollywood)
kp sll jight (rrankie niller boes ho nollywood) kUp sAll jNight (rfrankie nMiller bGoes hTo nHollywood) Ukp Asll Njight (frrankie Mniller Gboes Tho Hnollywood)
ip wll bight (grankie Miiller voes yo bollywood) iUp wAll bNight (gfrankie Mller vGoes yTo bHollywood) Uip Awll Nbight (fgrankie Mliler Gvoes Tyo Hbollywood)
8p xll Niight (trankie Mjller foes 6o gollywood) 8Up xAll Nght (tfrankie fGoes 6To gHollywood) U8p Axll Ngiht (ftrankie Mijller Gfoes T6o Hgollywood)
jp Alll Njght (vrankie M9ller toes go yollywood) jUp Al (vfrankie M9iller tGoes gTo yHollywood) Ujp All Nijght (fvrankie Mi9ller Gtoes Tgo Hyollywood)
yp Akl N9ght (drankie Mlller Gooes ro Hoollywood) yUp Akll N9ight (dfrankie Mliller Ges rTo Hllywood) Uyp Alkl Ni9ght (fdrankie Milller Geos Tro Hlolywood)
Upp Aol Nlght Moller Gkes Too Hkllywood) U Aoll Nlight (fankie Moiller Gkoes T Hkollywood) Up Alol Nilght (farnkie Mioller Gokes To Hokllywood)
U0 Apl Noght (fdankie Mkller G9es Tk H9llywood) U0p Apll Noight G9oes Tko H9ollywood) Up0 Alpl Nioght (frdankie Mikller Go9es Tok Ho9llywood)
Ul Nkght (f4ankie M8ller G0es T9 H0llywood) Ulp Nkight (f4rankie M8iller G0oes T9o H0ollywood) Upl Nikght (fr4ankie Mi8ller Go0es To9 Ho0llywood)
Uo Alk N8ght (fgankie Muller Gles T0 Hlllywood) Uop N8ight Muiller Gloes T0o Hlollywood) Upo Allk Ni8ght (frgankie Miuller Goles To0 Holllywood)
Alo Nught (ftankie Gies Tl Hillywood) Nuight Miler Gioes Tlo Hiollywood) Allo Niught (frtankie Miller Goies Tol Hoillywood)
Alp Nigght (f5ankie Mikler Goees Ti Niht (f5rankie Gos Tio Holywood) Allp Nihgt (fr5ankie Milkler Gose Toi Hollywood)
Nihht (ffankie Mioler Goss Hoklywood) Nihght Goses Nighht (frfankie Miloler Goess Holklywood)
Niyht (feankie Mipler Go3s Hoolywood) Niyght (ferankie Mipller Go3es Nigyht (freankie Milpler Goe3s Hololywood)
Nibht (fraankie Gofs Hoplywood) Nibght (frnkie Gofes Hopllywood) Nigbht (frnakie Milelr Goefs Holplywood)
Nivht (frznkie Milker Gors Nivght (frzankie Gores Nigvht (fraznkie Millker Goers Holylwood)
Nifht (frqnkie Miloer Go4s Holkywood) Nifght (frqankie Go4es Nigfht (fraqnkie Milloer Goe4s Hollkywood)
Nitht (frsnkie Milper Gods Holoywood) Nitght (frsankie Godes Nigtht (frasnkie Millper Goeds Holloywood)
(frwnkie Milleer Gows Holpywood) Nigt (frwankie Millr Gowes Nigth (frawnkie Millre Goews Hollpywood)
Nigjt (frxnkie Millsr Hollyywood) Nigjht (frxankie Millser Goe Hollwood) Nighjt (fraxnkie Millesr Goes Hollwyood)
Nigut (frannkie Mill3r Goez Hollgwood) Niguht (frakie Mill3er Goezs Hollgywood) Nighut (fraknie Mille3r Goesz Hollygwood)
Nignt (framkie Millfr Goew Hollhwood) Nignht (framnkie Millfer Hollhywood) Nighnt (franmkie Millefr Goesw Hollyhwood)
Nigbt (frahkie Millrr Goed Holl6wood) (frahnkie Millrer Holl6ywood) Nighbt (franhkie Millerr Goesd Holly6wood)
Niggt (frajkie Mill4r Goee Holluwood) (frajnkie Mill4er Holluywood)

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