Cowboy Junkies
Hot Burrito #1 (i'm Your Toy)

You may be sweet and nice
But that won't keep you warm at night
'cause I'm the one who showed you how
To do the things you're doing now
He may feel all your charms
He may hold you in his arms
But I'm the one who let you in
I was right beside you then

Once upon a time you let me feel you deep inside
And nobody knew and nobody saw
Do you remember the way you cried?
I'm your toy, I'm your ol' boy
And I don't want no one but you to love me
No, I wouldn't lie
You know I'm not that kind of guy

Mirror lyrics:

You know I'm not that kind of guy
No, I wouldn't lie
And I don't want no one but you to love me
I'm your toy, I'm your ol' boy
Do you remember the way you cried?
And nobody knew and nobody saw
Once upon a time you let me feel you deep inside

I was right beside you then
But I'm the one who let you in
He may hold you in his arms
He may feel all your charms
To do the things you're doing now
'cause I'm the one who showed you how
But that won't keep you warm at night
You may be sweet and nice

Relevant Tags:
HHot BBurrito ##1 ((i'm YYour TToy) ot urrito 1 i'm our oy) oHt uBrrito 1# i('m oYur oTy) jot vurrito #11 (ii'm gour foy) jHot vBurrito # ('m gYour fToy)
Hjot Bvurrito #1 ('im Ygour Tfoy) uot gurrito #2 (j'm hour 5oy) uHot gBurrito #21 (ji'm hYour 5Toy) Huot Bgurrito #12 (ij'm Yhour T5oy) not nurrito #q (9'm 6our hoy)
nHot nBurrito #q1 (9i'm 6Your hToy) Hnot Bnurrito #1q (i9'm Y6our Thoy) bot hurrito (l'm uour yoy) bHot hBurrito (li'm uYour yToy) Hbot Bhurrito (il'm Yuour Tyoy)
got Buurrito (o'm 7our 6oy) gHot Brrito (oi'm 7Your 6Toy) Hgot Brurito (io'm Y7our T6oy) yot Bhrrito (k'm jour goy) yHot (ki'm jYour gToy)
Hyot Buhrrito (ik'm Yjour Tgoy) Hoot B7rrito (8'm tour roy) Ht B7urrito (8i'm tYour rToy) Hto Bu7rrito (i8'm Ytour Troy) Hkt Bkrrito (u'm Yoour Tooy)
Hkot Bkurrito (ui'm Yur Ty) Hokt Bukrrito (iu'm Yuor Tyo) H9t Birrito (i''m Ykur Tky) H9ot Biurrito (im Ykour Tkoy) Ho9t Buirrito (im' Yokur Toky)
H0t B8rrito (i'mm Y9ur T9y) H0ot B8urrito (i' Y9our T9oy) Ho0t Bu8rrito (i'm Yo9ur To9y) Hlt Bjrrito (i'j Y0ur T0y) Hlot Bjurrito (i'jm Y0our T0oy)
Holt Bujrrito (i'mj Yo0ur To0y) Hit Byrrito (i'k Ylur Tly) Hiot Byurrito (i'km Ylour Tloy) Hoit Buyrrito (i'mk Yolur Toly) Hott Burrrito (i'n Yiur Tiy)
Ho Burito (i'nm Yiour Tioy) Hot Burrito (i'mn Yoiur Toiy) Hof Budrito Youur Toyy) Hoft Budrrito Yor To) Hotf Burdrito Yoru To)y
Ho5 Bu4rito Yohr Tog) Ho5t Bu4rrito Yohur Togy) Hot5 Bur4rito Youhr Toyg) Hoh Bugrito Yo7r Toh) Hoht Bugrrito Yo7ur Tohy)
Hoth Burgrito You7r Toyh) Hoy Butrito Yokr To6) Hoyt Butrrito To6y) Hoty Burtrito Youkr Toy6) Ho6 Bu5rito Yoir Tou)
Ho6t Bu5rrito Touy) Hot6 Bur5rito Youir Toyu) Hog Bufrito Yo8r To7) Hogt Bufrrito Yo8ur To7y) Hotg Burfrito You8r Toy7)
Hor Buerito Yojr Toj) Hort Buerrito Yojur Tojy) Hotr Burerito Youjr Toyj) Yoyr Tot) Yoyur Toty)
Burirto Youyr Toyt) Burdito Yourr Toy)) You Toy Burrdito Your Toy) Bur4ito Youd

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