Creedence Clearwater Revival
Graveyard Train

On the highway, Thirty people lost their lives.
On the highway, Thirty people lost their lives.
Well, I had some words to holler, And my Rosie took a ride.

In the moonlight, See the Greyhound rolling on.
In the moonlight, See the Greyhound rolling on.
Flying through the crossroads, Rosie ran into the Hound.

For the graveyard, Thirty boxes made of bone.
For the graveyard, Thirty boxes made of bone.
Mister Undertaker, Take this coffin from my home.

In the midnight, Hear me crying out her name.
In the midnight, Hear me crying out her name.
I'm standing on the railroad, Waiting for the Graveyard Train.

On the highway, Thirty people turned to stone.
On the highway, Thirty people turned to stone.
Oh, take me to the station, 'Cause I'm number thirty-one.

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, take me to the station, 'Cause I'm number thirty-one.
On the highway, Thirty people turned to stone.
On the highway, Thirty people turned to stone.

I'm standing on the railroad, Waiting for the Graveyard Train.
In the midnight, Hear me crying out her name.
In the midnight, Hear me crying out her name.

Mister Undertaker, Take this coffin from my home.
For the graveyard, Thirty boxes made of bone.
For the graveyard, Thirty boxes made of bone.

Flying through the crossroads, Rosie ran into the Hound.
In the moonlight, See the Greyhound rolling on.
In the moonlight, See the Greyhound rolling on.

Well, I had some words to holler, And my Rosie took a ride.
On the highway, Thirty people lost their lives.
On the highway, Thirty people lost their lives.

Relevant Tags:
GGraveyard TTrain raveyard rain rGaveyard rTain hraveyard frain hGraveyard fTrain Ghraveyard Tfrain yraveyard 5rain
yGraveyard 5Train Gyraveyard T5rain braveyard hrain bGraveyard hTrain Gbraveyard Thrain vraveyard yrain vGraveyard yTrain
Gvraveyard Tyrain fraveyard 6rain fGraveyard 6Train Gfraveyard T6rain traveyard grain tGraveyard gTrain Gtraveyard Tgrain
Grraveyard rrain Gaveyard rTrain Garveyard Trrain Gdaveyard Gdraveyard Tain Grdaveyard Tarin G4aveyard Tdain
G4raveyard Tdrain Gr4aveyard Trdain Ggaveyard T4ain Ggraveyard T4rain Grgaveyard Tr4ain Gtaveyard Tgain Grtaveyard Trgain
G5aveyard Ttain G5raveyard Ttrain Gr5aveyard Trtain Gfaveyard T5ain Grfaveyard Tr5ain Geaveyard Tfain Geraveyard
Greaveyard Trfain Graaveyard Teain Grveyard Terain Grvaeyard Treain Grzveyard Traain Grzaveyard Trin Grazveyard Trian
Grqveyard Trzin Grqaveyard Trzain Graqveyard Trazin Grsveyard Trqin Grsaveyard Trqain Grasveyard Traqin Grwveyard Trsin
Grwaveyard Trsain Grawveyard Trasin Grxveyard Trwin Grxaveyard Trwain Graxveyard Trawin Gravveyard Trxin Graeyard Trxain
Graevyard Traxin Grabeyard Traiin Grabveyard Tran Gravbeyard Trani Graceyard Trajn Gracveyard Trajin Gravceyard Traijn
Grageyard Tra9n Gragveyard Tra9in Gravgeyard Trai9n Grafeyard Traln Grafveyard Tralin Gravfeyard Trailn Graveeyard Traon
Gravyard Traoin Gravyeard Traion Gravsyard Trakn Gravseyard Trakin Gravesyard Traikn Grav3yard Tra8n Grav3eyard Tra8in
Grave3yard Trai8n Gravfyard Traun Trauin Gravefyard Traiun Gravryard Trainn

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