Connie Smith
In The Valley He Restoreth My Soul

(Joyce Reba Rambo)

When I'm low in spirit I cry Lord lift me up
I want to go higher with Thee
But nothing grows high on a mountain
So He picked out a valley for me.

And He leads me beside still waters
Somewhere in the valley below
And He draws me aside to be tested and tried
In the valley He restoreth my soul.

--- Instrumental ---

It's dark as a dungeon and the sun seldom shines
And I question Lord why must this be
Then He tells me there's strenght in my sorrow
And there's victory in trials for me.

Then He leads me beside still waters
Somewhere in the valley below
And He draws me aside to be tested and tried
In the valley He restoreth my soul.

Down in the valley He restoreth my soul...

Mirror lyrics:

Down in the valley He restoreth my soul...

In the valley He restoreth my soul.
And He draws me aside to be tested and tried
Somewhere in the valley below
Then He leads me beside still waters

And there's victory in trials for me.
Then He tells me there's strenght in my sorrow
And I question Lord why must this be
It's dark as a dungeon and the sun seldom shines

--- Instrumental ---

In the valley He restoreth my soul.
And He draws me aside to be tested and tried
Somewhere in the valley below
And He leads me beside still waters

So He picked out a valley for me.
But nothing grows high on a mountain
I want to go higher with Thee
When I'm low in spirit I cry Lord lift me up

(Joyce Reba Rambo)

Relevant Tags:
IIn TThe VValley HHe RRestoreth MMy SSoul n he alley e estoreth y oul nI hTe aVlley eH eRstoreth yM oSul jn fhe balley je destoreth jy zoul jIn fThe bValley jHe dRestoreth jMy zSoul
Ijn Tfhe Vballey Hje Rdestoreth Mjy Szoul 9n 5he calley ue 4estoreth ky woul 9In 5The cValley uHe 4Restoreth kMy wSoul I9n T5he Vcalley Hue R4estoreth Mky Swoul ln hhe galley ne gestoreth ny doul
lIn hThe gValley nHe gRestoreth nMy dSoul Iln Thhe Vgalley Hne Rgestoreth Mny Sdoul on yhe falley be testoreth Myy eoul oIn yThe fValley bHe tRestoreth M eSoul Ion Tyhe Vfalley Hbe Rtestoreth My Seoul
kn 6he Vaalley ge 5estoreth Mg xoul kIn 6The Vlley gHe 5Restoreth Mgy xSoul Ikn T6he Vlaley Hge R5estoreth Myg Sxoul 8n ghe Vzlley ye festoreth Mh aoul 8In gThe Vzalley yHe fRestoreth Mhy aSoul
I8n Tghe Vazlley Hye Rfestoreth Myh Saoul un rhe Vqlley Hee eestoreth M6 Sooul uIn rThe Vqalley H eRestoreth M6y Sul Iun Trhe Vaqlley He Reestoreth My6 Suol Inn Vslley Hs Mu Skul
I Te Vsalley Hse Rstoreth Muy Skoul In Teh Vaslley Hes Rsetoreth Myu Sokul Im Tje Vwlley H3 Rsstoreth M7 S9ul Imn Tjhe Vwalley H3e Rsestoreth M7y S9oul Inm Thje Vawlley He3 Resstoreth My7 So9ul
Ih Tue Vxlley Hf R3storeth Mj S0ul Ihn Tuhe Vxalley Hfe R3estoreth S0oul Inh Thue Vaxlley Hef Re3storeth Myj So0ul Ij Tne Vallley Hr Rfstoreth Mt Slul Tnhe Valey Hre Mty Sloul
Inj Thne Valley Her Refstoreth Myt Solul Ib Tbe Vakley H4 Rrstoreth Siul Ibn Tbhe Vaklley H4e Rrestoreth Sioul Inb Thbe Valkley He4 Rerstoreth Soiul Tge Vaoley Hd R4storeth Souul
Vaolley Hde Sol Thge Valoley Hed Re4storeth Solu Tye Vapley Hw Rdstoreth Sohl Vaplley Hwe Sohul Thye Valpley Hew Redstoreth Souhl
Thee Rwstoreth So7l Th Rwestoreth So7ul The Valely Rewstoreth Sou7l Ths Valkey Sokl Thse Retoreth
Thes Vallkey Retsoreth Soukl Th3 Valoey Reztoreth Soil Th3e Rezstoreth The3 Valloey Resztoreth Souil Thf Valpey Rewtoreth So8l
Thfe So8ul Thef Vallpey Reswtoreth Sou8l Thr Valleey Redtoreth Sojl Thre Vally Sojul Ther Vallye Resdtoreth Soujl
Th4 Vallsy Reetoreth Soyl Th4e Vallsey Soyul The4 Vallesy Resetoreth Souyl Thd Vall3y Rextoreth Soull Thde Vall3ey Rexstoreth Sou
Thed Valle3y Resxtoreth Soul Thw Vallfy Reatoreth Souk Thwe Vallfey Reastoreth Thew Vallefy Resatoreth Soulk Vallry Resttoreth Souo
Vallrey Resoreth Souol Vallery Resotreth Soulo Vall4y Resforeth Soup Vall4ey Resftoreth Soupl Valle4y Restforeth Soulp
Valldy Res5oreth Valldey Res5toreth Valledy Rest5oreth Vallwy Reshoreth Vallwey Reshtoreth
Vallewy Resthoreth Valleyy Resyoreth Valle Resytoreth Restyoreth Valleg Res6oreth
Vallegy Res6toreth Valleyg Rest6oreth Valleh Resgoreth Vallehy Resgtoreth Valleyh Restgoreth
Valle6 Resroreth Valle6y Resrtoreth Valley6 Restroreth

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