Conway Twitty
A Little Of You

Today, I put on your favorite shirt
I know you won't see me, but what can it hurt
It's just a piece of your memory that stayed behind
It hangs in my closet and here in my mind.

Oh, oh, In every thing that I do
There will always be a little of you
In my soul emblazened and blue
There will always be a little of you.

In every smile I have to force on my face
In every tear that I ever taste
In every victory that I like to share
In every loss when I wish you were there, beside me.

Oh, oh, in everything that I do
There will always be a little of you
In my soul emblazened and blue
There will always be a little of you.

I'm all over the pain
But the scars remain, to remind me.

--- Instrumental ---

Oh, oh, in everything that I do
There will always be a little of you
In my soul emblazened and blue
There will always be a little of you.

Oh, oh, there's a little of you...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, oh, there's a little of you...

There will always be a little of you.
In my soul emblazened and blue
There will always be a little of you
Oh, oh, in everything that I do

--- Instrumental ---

But the scars remain, to remind me.
I'm all over the pain

There will always be a little of you.
In my soul emblazened and blue
There will always be a little of you
Oh, oh, in everything that I do

In every loss when I wish you were there, beside me.
In every victory that I like to share
In every tear that I ever taste
In every smile I have to force on my face

There will always be a little of you.
In my soul emblazened and blue
There will always be a little of you
Oh, oh, In every thing that I do

It hangs in my closet and here in my mind.
It's just a piece of your memory that stayed behind
I know you won't see me, but what can it hurt
Today, I put on your favorite shirt

Relevant Tags:
AA LLittle OOf YYou ittle f ou A iLttle fO oYu z kittle kf gou zA kLittle kOf gYou Az Lkittle Okf Ygou q oittle 9f hou
qA oLittle 9Of hYou Aq Loittle O9f Yhou s pittle 0f 6ou sA pLittle 0Of 6You As Lpittle O0f Y6ou w Liittle lf uou wA Lttle lOf uYou
Aw Ltitle Olf Yuou x Ljttle if 7ou xA Ljittle iOf 7You Ax Lijttle Oif Y7ou L9ttle Off jou L9ittle O jYou Li9ttle Of Yjou
Llttle Oc tou Llittle Ocf tYou Lilttle Ofc Ytou Lottle Or Yoou Orf Yu Liottle Ofr Yuo Lkttle Og Yku
Ogf Ykou Likttle Ofg Yoku L8ttle Ot Y9u L8ittle Otf Y9ou Li8ttle Oft Yo9u Luttle Ov Y0u Luittle Ovf Y0ou
Liuttle Ofv Yo0u Litttle Od Ylu Litle Odf Ylou Little Ofd Yolu Liftle Yiu Lifttle Yiou Litftle Yoiu
Li5tle Youu Li5ttle Yo Lit5tle You Lihtle Yoh Lihttle Yohu Lithtle Youh Liytle Yo7
Liyttle Yo7u Litytle You7 Li6tle Yok Li6ttle Lit6tle Youk

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