Color Me Blood Red

Please love, just come home again
Just let this one pass, there will be another
And in this laughter before the pain
Every deliberate hung by my left hand
Eyelids fludder and warm water floods my nostrils
Neck deep I cry high
Together we sleep, slouched discolored porcelain
dreaming of those elucid moments
when smiles hung high
Limbs outstretched
A bad moon rising
Faucet turning
Desolation churning
Drowning in what we've become
Neck deep I cry high
I have spilled dry for you
and you cannot fathom the notion
that it was the end of something
This is our end

Mirror lyrics:

This is our end
that it was the end of something
and you cannot fathom the notion
I have spilled dry for you
Neck deep I cry high
Drowning in what we've become
Desolation churning
Faucet turning
A bad moon rising
Limbs outstretched
when smiles hung high
dreaming of those elucid moments
Together we sleep, slouched discolored porcelain
Neck deep I cry high
Eyelids fludder and warm water floods my nostrils
Every deliberate hung by my left hand
And in this laughter before the pain
Just let this one pass, there will be another
Please love, just come home again

Relevant Tags:
CColor MMe BBlood RRed olor e lood ed oClor eM lBood eRd folor je vlood ded fColor jMe vBlood dRed Cfolor Mje Bvlood Rded
xolor ke glood 4ed xColor kMe gBlood 4Red Cxolor Mke Bglood R4ed volor ne nlood ged vColor nMe nBlood gRed Cvolor Mne Bnlood Rged
dolor Mee hlood ted dColor M hBlood tRed Cdolor Me Bhlood Rted Coolor Ms Bllood 5ed Clor Mse Bood 5Red Cloor Mes Bolod R5ed
Cklor M3 Bkood fed Ckolor M3e Bklood fRed Coklor Me3 Blkood Rfed C9lor Mf Boood eed C9olor Mfe Bolood eRed Co9lor Mef Bloood Reed
C0lor Mr Bpood C0olor Mre Bplood Rd Co0lor Mer Blpood Rde Cllor M4 Rsd Clolor M4e Blod Rsed Collor Me4 Blood Resd
Cilor Md Blkod R3d Ciolor Mde R3ed Coilor Med Blokod Re3d Mw Bl9od Rfd Coor Mwe Bl9ood Coolr Mew Blo9od Refd
Cokor Bl0od Rrd Bl0ood Rred Colkor Blo0od Rerd Cooor Bllod R4d

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