Cyndi Lauper
Brimstone And Fire

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

I met a woman at the laundry mat
she left her sock in my dryer
I met a woman in a yellow cap
it said brimstone and fire

I said is this luck?
with just a glance
she smiled, and I thought,
is this a sign?
from above or below?.. oh now..

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

the next week at the cinema
she put her hand on my shoulder
she almost kissed me walking home
and I didn't even scold her
then I said where is this leading
with just a heavy sigh
I quickened my pace
she was following
as if her heart would never tire

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
as if her heart would never tire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

Now we have dinner every saturday
I make spaghetti, she brings cake
I make spaghetti with tomato sauce,
because that's all I can make
And when she lights the candles
I think, here we go
but it's so pleasant after all
and I say very low
don't forget to light the fire

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
and i say don't forget to light the fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

Mirror lyrics:

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
and i say don't forget to light the fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

don't forget to light the fire
and I say very low
but it's so pleasant after all
I think, here we go
And when she lights the candles
because that's all I can make
I make spaghetti with tomato sauce,
I make spaghetti, she brings cake
Now we have dinner every saturday

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
as if her heart would never tire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

as if her heart would never tire
she was following
I quickened my pace
with just a heavy sigh
then I said where is this leading
and I didn't even scold her
she almost kissed me walking home
she put her hand on my shoulder
the next week at the cinema

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

from above or below?.. oh now..
is this a sign?
she smiled, and I thought,
with just a glance
I said is this luck?

it said brimstone and fire
I met a woman in a yellow cap
she left her sock in my dryer
I met a woman at the laundry mat

Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire
Brimstone and fire

Relevant Tags:
BBrimstone AAnd FFire rimstone nd ire rBimstone nAd iFre vrimstone znd cire vBrimstone zAnd cFire Bvrimstone Aznd Fcire
grimstone qnd rire gBrimstone qAnd rFire Bgrimstone Aqnd Frire nrimstone snd gire nBrimstone sAnd gFire Bnrimstone Asnd Fgire
hrimstone wnd tire hBrimstone wAnd tFire Bhrimstone Awnd Ftire Brrimstone xnd vire Bimstone xAnd vFire Birmstone Axnd Fvire
Bdimstone Annd dire Bdrimstone Ad dFire Brdimstone Adn Fdire B4imstone Amd Fiire B4rimstone Amnd Fre Br4imstone Anmd Frie
Bgimstone Ahd Fjre Ahnd Fjire Brgimstone Anhd Fijre Btimstone Ajd F9re Btrimstone Ajnd F9ire Brtimstone Anjd Fi9re
B5imstone Abd Flre B5rimstone Abnd Flire Br5imstone Anbd Filre Bfimstone Andd Fore Bfrimstone An Foire Brfimstone And Fiore
Beimstone Anx Fkre Berimstone Anxd Fkire Breimstone Andx Fikre Briimstone Ane F8re Brmstone Aned F8ire Brmistone Ande Fi8re
Brjmstone Anf Fure Brjimstone Anfd Fuire Brijmstone Andf Fiure Br9mstone Anr Firre Br9imstone Anrd Fie Bri9mstone Andr Fier
Brlmstone Anc Fide Brlimstone Ancd Fidre Brilmstone Andc Firde Bromstone Ans Fi4e Broimstone Ansd Fi4re Briomstone Ands Fir4e
Brkmstone Fige Brkimstone Figre Brikmstone Firge Br8mstone Fite Br8imstone Fitre Bri8mstone Firte
Brumstone Fi5e Bruimstone Fi5re Briumstone Fir5e Brimmstone Fife Bristone Fifre Brismtone Firfe
Brijstone Fiee Fiere Brimjstone Firee Brikstone Fir Brimkstone Fire
Brinstone Firs Brinmstone Firse Brimnstone Fires Brimsstone Fir3 Brimtone Fir3e Brimtsone Fire3
Brimztone Firf Brimzstone Brimsztone Firef Brimwtone Firr Brimwstone Brimswtone Firer
Brimdtone Fir4 Brimdstone Brimsdtone Fire4

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