Cutting Jade
Ten Seconds

I'm sorry if i hurt you
You know i didn't mean
And even though i always do
i never see it coming
and i never want to

I'm sorry if i lied to you
I'm sorry if i let you down
I know i've been a disappointment to you
and I'd understand if you didn't want me around

But I'm 10 seconds from a nervous break down
10 seconds from losing my mind
in 10 seconds you dont wanna be around X2

The grass is always greener
on the other side of man made walls
the air is always cleaner
and the sun will shine brighter
after the river rain fall

and these are the craziest days
I've ever known
and these are the scariest times
maybe i haven't been my own

[chorus X2]

hey, i don't wanna spend a minute without you X4

[chorus x4]

Mirror lyrics:

[chorus x4]

hey, i don't wanna spend a minute without you X4

[chorus X2]

maybe i haven't been my own
and these are the scariest times
I've ever known
and these are the craziest days

after the river rain fall
and the sun will shine brighter
the air is always cleaner
on the other side of man made walls
The grass is always greener

in 10 seconds you dont wanna be around X2
10 seconds from losing my mind
But I'm 10 seconds from a nervous break down

and I'd understand if you didn't want me around
I know i've been a disappointment to you
I'm sorry if i let you down
I'm sorry if i lied to you

and i never want to
i never see it coming
And even though i always do
You know i didn't mean
I'm sorry if i hurt you

Relevant Tags:
TTen SSeconds en econds eTn eSconds fen zeconds fTen zSeconds Tfen Szeconds 5en weconds 5Ten wSeconds T5en Sweconds hen deconds
hTen dSeconds Then Sdeconds yen eeconds yTen eSeconds Tyen Seeconds 6en xeconds 6Ten xSeconds T6en Sxeconds gen aeconds gTen aSeconds
Tgen Saeconds ren rTen Sconds Tren Sceonds Teen Ssconds Tn Sseconds Tne Sesconds Tsn S3conds Tsen S3econds Tesn Se3conds
T3n Sfconds T3en Sfeconds Te3n Sefconds Tfn Srconds Sreconds Tefn Serconds Trn S4conds S4econds Tern Se4conds T4n Sdconds
T4en Te4n Sedconds Tdn Swconds Tden Tedn Sewconds Twn Secconds Twen Seonds Tewn Seocnds Tenn Sefonds Te
Ten Secfonds Tem Sexonds Temn Sexconds Tenm Secxonds Teh Sevonds Tehn Sevconds Tenh Secvonds Tej Sedonds Tejn Tenj Secdonds
Teb Secoonds Tebn Secnds Tenb Secnods

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