Cyndi Lauper
Just Your Fool

I'm just your fool, can't help myself
I love you baby and no one else
Oh, I ain't crazy; you are my baby
I'm just your fool

I'm just your fool, I must confess
Just to love you, baby, and take your mess
Oh, I ain't lyin'; no use in jivin'
I'm just your fool

Oh, you must be tryin' to drive me crazy
Treatin' me the way you do
I ask you, baby, please have mercy
Let me be happy, too

If you're gonna leave for someone new
Gonna buy me a shotgun and mess with you
I ain't lyin'; no use in jivin'
I'm just your fool

I'm just your fool, can't help myself
I love you baby and no one else
Oh, I ain't crazy; you are my baby
I'm just your, just your, just your fool
Yeah, c'mon

Oh, you must be tryin' to drive me crazy
Treatin' me the way you do
I ask you, baby, please have mercy
Let me be happy, too

Oh, if you're gonna
If you're gonna leave for someone new
Gonna go Jackie Chan and kung-fu you
Oh, I ain't lyin'; no use in jivin'
I'm just your fool

Yeah, I'm just your fool, can't help myself
I love you baby and no one else
Oh, I ain't crazy; you are my baby
I'm just your fool

Mirror lyrics:

I'm just your fool
Oh, I ain't crazy; you are my baby
I love you baby and no one else
Yeah, I'm just your fool, can't help myself

I'm just your fool
Oh, I ain't lyin'; no use in jivin'
Gonna go Jackie Chan and kung-fu you
If you're gonna leave for someone new
Oh, if you're gonna

Let me be happy, too
I ask you, baby, please have mercy
Treatin' me the way you do
Oh, you must be tryin' to drive me crazy

Yeah, c'mon
I'm just your, just your, just your fool
Oh, I ain't crazy; you are my baby
I love you baby and no one else
I'm just your fool, can't help myself

I'm just your fool
I ain't lyin'; no use in jivin'
Gonna buy me a shotgun and mess with you
If you're gonna leave for someone new

Let me be happy, too
I ask you, baby, please have mercy
Treatin' me the way you do
Oh, you must be tryin' to drive me crazy

I'm just your fool
Oh, I ain't lyin'; no use in jivin'
Just to love you, baby, and take your mess
I'm just your fool, I must confess

I'm just your fool
Oh, I ain't crazy; you are my baby
I love you baby and no one else
I'm just your fool, can't help myself

Relevant Tags:
JJust YYour FFool ust our ool uJst oYur oFol kust gour cool kJust gYour cFool Jkust Ygour Fcool iust hour rool iJust hYour rFool
Jiust Yhour Frool must 6our gool mJust 6Your gFool Jmust Y6our Fgool nust uour tool nJust uYour tFool Jnust Yuour Ftool hust 7our vool
hJust 7Your vFool Jhust Y7our Fvool uust jour dool uJust jYour dFool Juust Yjour Fdool tour Foool Jst tYour Fol Jsut Ytour Fool
Jhst Yoour Fkol Yur Fkool Juhst Yuor Fokol J7st Ykur F9ol J7ust Ykour F9ool Ju7st Yokur Fo9ol Jkst Y9ur F0ol Y9our F0ool
Jukst Yo9ur Fo0ol Jist Y0ur Flol Y0our Flool Juist Yo0ur Folol J8st Ylur Fiol J8ust Ylour Fiool Ju8st Yolur Foiol Jjst Yiur
Jjust Yiour Jujst Yoiur Folo Jyst Youur Fokl Jyust Yor

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