Cyndi Lauper
Heading For The Moon

Don't close your eyes
Or I might drift away
Under the night
My image bends its shape
I'll be written on the wind
Like they never set a street (or Liking never settle streams)
Heading for the moon

I reach out (echoes)
My pulse begins to race (echoes)
The crashing sounds
Of fears I've never faced
Let them echo off these waves
With thoughts as brave as they once were
Heading for the moon

And, look
How we write
Over the white
Shadows may chase from behind
But just put them out of your mind, oh
Heading for the moon

Don't close your eyes
Or I might drift away
Under the night
Of never ending shapes
I'll be wishing off the blue
I'll still wanna send my stars
Heading for the moon

And, look
How we write
Over the white
Shadows may chase from behind
But just put them out of your mind, oh
Heading for the moon

Ha ha
Heading for the Moon
So don't close your eyes
Heading for the Moon
Over the white

Your shadows may chase from behind
You might just put them out of your mind
Heading for the Moon

Mirror lyrics:

Heading for the Moon
You might just put them out of your mind
Your shadows may chase from behind

Over the white
Heading for the Moon
So don't close your eyes
Heading for the Moon
Ha ha

Heading for the moon
But just put them out of your mind, oh
Shadows may chase from behind
Over the white
How we write
And, look

Heading for the moon
I'll still wanna send my stars
I'll be wishing off the blue
Of never ending shapes
Under the night
Or I might drift away
Don't close your eyes

Heading for the moon
But just put them out of your mind, oh
Shadows may chase from behind
Over the white
How we write
And, look

Heading for the moon
With thoughts as brave as they once were
Let them echo off these waves
Of fears I've never faced
The crashing sounds
My pulse begins to race (echoes)
I reach out (echoes)

Heading for the moon
Like they never set a street (or Liking never settle streams)
I'll be written on the wind
My image bends its shape
Under the night
Or I might drift away
Don't close your eyes

Relevant Tags:
HHeading FFor TThe MMoon eading or he oon eHading oFr hTe oMon jeading cor fhe joon jHeading cFor fThe jMoon Hjeading Fcor Tfhe Mjoon
ueading ror 5he koon uHeading rFor 5The kMoon Hueading Fror T5he Mkoon neading gor hhe noon nHeading gFor hThe nMoon Hneading Fgor Thhe Mnoon
beading tor yhe Mooon bHeading tFor yThe Mon Hbeading Ftor Tyhe Moon geading vor 6he Mkon gHeading vFor 6The Hgeading Fvor T6he Mokon
yeading dor ghe M9on yHeading dFor gThe M9oon Hyeading Fdor Tghe Mo9on Heeading Foor rhe M0on Hading Fr rThe M0oon Haeding Fro Trhe Mo0on
Hsading Fkr Mlon Hseading Fkor Te Mloon Hesading Fokr Teh Molon H3ading F9r Tje Mion H3eading F9or Tjhe Mioon He3ading Fo9r Thje Moion
Hfading F0r Tue Hfeading F0or Tuhe Hefading Fo0r Thue Mono Hrading Flr Tne Mokn Hreading Flor Tnhe Herading Folr Thne Mookn
H4ading Fir Tbe Mo9n H4eading Fior Tbhe He4ading Foir Thbe Moo9n Hdading Forr Tge Mo0n Hdeading Fo Hedading For Thge Moo0n
Hwading Fod Tye Moln Hweading Fodr Hewading Ford Thye Mooln Heaading Fo4 Thee Moin Heding Fo4r Th Hedaing For4 The Mooin
Hezding Fog Ths Moonn Hezading Fogr Thse Moo Heazding Forg Thes Heqding Fot Th3 Moom Heqading Fotr Th3e Moomn Heaqding Fort The3 Moonm
Hesding Fo5 Thf Mooh Fo5r Thfe Moohn Heasding For5 Thef Moonh Hewding Fof Thr Mooj Fofr Thre Moojn Heawding Forf Ther Moonj
Hexding Foe Th4 Moob Hexading Foer Th4e Moobn Heaxding Fore The4 Moonb Headding Thd Heaing Thde Heaidng Thed
Heaxing Thw Thwe Headxing Thew

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