Cyndi Thomson
Hope You're Doing Fine

The arizona the sun
Looks like a ruby in the sky
And when the desert wind
Blows like a friend
It's enough to make you high
Here I am so far away
From eastern standard time
But I miss you babe
I hope you're doin' fine
I hope you're doin' fine

Well I found a job
It's nothin' much
But at least it pays the rent
The boss is nice but not his wife
But she only works weekends
How are things in Charlston
Is there someone in your life?
Guess I shouldn't ask
I hope you're doin' fine
I hope you're doin' fine

We were makin' plans together
Not so long ago
Thought we could see forever
From that Carolina coast
But, things change
Everything changes
Things change
Everything changes

Now the moon is up
And the stars are out
Yeah it's quite a sight to see
It's times like this
Oh how I wish
You were still here next to me
Maybe our paths baby will cross
Somewhere down the line
Who's to say
I just hope you're doin' fine (I miss you so)
I hope you're doin' fine (That's all for now)
I hope you're doin' fine (I hope you're doin' fine)
I hope you're doin' fine

Mirror lyrics:

I hope you're doin' fine
I hope you're doin' fine (I hope you're doin' fine)
I hope you're doin' fine (That's all for now)
I just hope you're doin' fine (I miss you so)
Who's to say
Somewhere down the line
Maybe our paths baby will cross
You were still here next to me
Oh how I wish
It's times like this
Yeah it's quite a sight to see
And the stars are out
Now the moon is up

Everything changes
Things change
Everything changes
But, things change
From that Carolina coast
Thought we could see forever
Not so long ago
We were makin' plans together

I hope you're doin' fine
I hope you're doin' fine
Guess I shouldn't ask
Is there someone in your life?
How are things in Charlston
But she only works weekends
The boss is nice but not his wife
But at least it pays the rent
It's nothin' much
Well I found a job

I hope you're doin' fine
I hope you're doin' fine
But I miss you babe
From eastern standard time
Here I am so far away
It's enough to make you high
Blows like a friend
And when the desert wind
Looks like a ruby in the sky
The arizona the sun

Relevant Tags:
HHope YYou're DDoing FFine ope ou're oing ine oHpe oYu're oDing iFne jope gou're xoing cine jHope gYou're xDoing cFine Hjope Ygou're Dxoing Fcine
uope hou're eoing rine uHope hYou're eDoing rFine Huope Yhou're Deoing Frine nope 6ou're foing gine nHope 6You're fDoing gFine Hnope Y6ou're Dfoing Fgine
bope uou're roing tine bHope uYou're rDoing tFine Hbope Yuou're Droing Ftine gope 7ou're coing vine gHope 7You're cDoing vFine Hgope Y7ou're Dcoing Fvine
yope jou're soing dine yHope jYou're sDoing dFine Hyope Yjou're Dsoing Fdine Hoope tou're Dooing Fiine Hpe tYou're Ding Fne Hpoe Ytou're Diong Fnie
Hkpe Yoou're Dking Fjne Hkope Yu're Dkoing Fjine Hokpe Yuo're Doking Fijne H9pe Yku're D9ing F9ne H9ope Ykou're D9oing F9ine Ho9pe Yoku're Do9ing Fi9ne
H0pe Y9u're D0ing Flne H0ope Y9ou're D0oing Fline Ho0pe Yo9u're Do0ing Filne Hlpe Y0u're Dling Fone Hlope Y0ou're Dloing Foine Holpe Yo0u're Doling Fione
Hipe Ylu're Diing Fkne Hiope Ylou're Dioing Fkine Hoipe Yolu're Doiing Fikne Hoppe Yiu're F8ne Hoe Yiou're Dong F8ine Hoep Yoiu're Donig Fi8ne
Ho0e Youu're Dojng Fune Yo're Dojing Fuine Hop0e Yo'ure Doijng Fiune Hole Yoh're Do9ng Finne Yohu're Fie Hople Youh're Doi9ng Fien
Hooe Yo7're Dolng Fime Yo7u're Fimne Hopoe You7're Doilng Finme Hopee Yok're Doong Fihe Hop Fihne Hope Youk're Doiong Finhe
Hops Yoi're Dokng Fije

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